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6. What do ribosomes do?

  • Creates a vesicle
  • Acts as control centre
  • Help make proteins
  • Packages proteins

7. What are the main proteins in a plasma membrane?

  • Channel proteins and integral proteins
  • Channel proteins and carrier proteins
  • Integral proteins, Channel proteins and Carrier Proteins
  • Integral proteins and carrier proteins

8. What's the difference between the smooth ER and the rough ER

  • The rough ER contains ribosomes and makes proteins, the smooth ER doesn't contain ribosomes and it makes lipids, steroids and hormones
  • The smooth ER contains ribosomes and makes proteins, the rough ER doesn't contain ribosomes and it makes lipids, steroids and hormones
  • The rough ER doesn't contain ribosomes and makes proteins, the smooth ER does contain ribosomes and it makes lipids, steroids and hormones

9. what does the cytoplasm contain?

  • Only Cytosol
  • Cytosol and organelles
  • Cistol and organelles
  • Only organelles

10. What are the 3 main parts of the cell?

  • Plasma membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus
  • Cell wall, cytoplasm and nucleus

11. What is active process?

  • Only for small substances
  • Requires ATP
  • Only for large substances
  • Doesn't require ATP

12. What does the golgi body do?

  • Modifies and packages proteins
  • Acts as control centre
  • Makes ribosomes
  • Only modifies proteins

13. Lysosomes act as

  • produces ribosomes
  • cell destroyer, as they contain digestive enzymes
  • makes ATP

14. What are the two types of endocytosis?

  • Phagocytosis and pinocytosis
  • Phagocytosis and exocytosis
  • Pinocytosis and exocytosis

15. What does the mitochondria do?

  • Produces ribosomes
  • Makes ATP
  • Not in the cell
  • Helps separate DNA

16. What consists of the nucleus?

  • Nuclear envelope, nuclear pores, nucleoli, nucleoplasm and chromatin
  • Nuclear pores, nucleoplasm and chromatin
  • Mitochondria, nuclear pores, nucleoli, chromatin