Cells< Exchange and Transport

Definition of Graticule
A glass disc fitted into the eyepiece of a microscope that has a fine scale on it from 0-100 used to measure specimen
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What is a Eukaryotic Cell?
Cells with a ‘true nucleus’, all organelles are membrane bound, found in both plants and animals
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What is a Prokaryotic Cell?
Cells that don’t have a ‘true nucleus’, can sometimes cause diseases such as MRSA
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What is the Phospholipid Bilayer?
The model of the cell membrane structure, lipid molecules give fluidity and proteins in the membrane give it a mosaic appearance, molecules van be moved about
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What is Cell Signalling?
Communication between cells by sending information through the molecules such as hormones
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What is a Beta Blocker?
A drug intended to block receptors (In this case beta blockers are used to prevent heart muscles from increasing heart rate)
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Definition of Diffusion?
The net movement of particles across a partially permeable membrane from a high concentration to a low concentration down a concentration gradient
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Definition of Osmosis?
The net movement of water particles across a partially permeable membrane from a high water potential to a low water potential down a water potential gradient
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Definition of Active Transport?
Movement of molecules or ions across membranes which uses ATP energy to drive protein ‘pumps’ within the membrane
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What does 1) Endo, 2) Exo, 3) Phago and 4) Pino mean?
1) Inwards 2) Outwards 3) Solid Material 4) Liquid Material
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What does Endocytosis mean?
Bringing Materials into a cells
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What does Exocytosis mean?
Moving Materials out of a cell
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What is a Solute?
A substance that you can dissolve
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What is a Solvent?
The liquid a solute dissolves in
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Definition of Haemolysed?
When an animal cell bursts open due to too much water
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Definition of Turgid?
When a plant cell is full of water the membrane pushes against the cells wall and the cell wall prevents the cell from bursting
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Definition of Crenated?
When the animal cell has a lack of water shrinks and the cell membrane loses form
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Definition of Plasmolysed?
When the plant cell membrane pulls away from the cell wall as water leaves
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Definition of Cell Cycle?
Describes the events that take place as 1 parent cell divides to produce two daughter cells which then grow too full size
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Definition of Mitosis?
Process of nuclear division where two genetically identical nuclei are formed from one parent cell’s nucleus
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What happens during Interphase?
Growth of organelles inside the cell get bigger, genetic information gets copied and normal metabolic reactions occur (preparation before mitosis occurs)
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What happens during Prophase?
replicated DNA gets condensed and super coiled from Chromatin into visible Chromosomes
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What happens during Metaphase?
Nuclear membrane dissolves, Centrioles move to opposite ends of the cell and start producing spindle fibres which will attach to the centromere on the chromosomes. Replicated Chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell
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What happens during Anaphase
The paired chromosomes separate and move to opposite sides of the cell moving along the spindle fibres produced by the centrioles
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What happens during Telophase?
Chromatids arrive at opposite poles of cell, and new nucleus membranes form around the daughter nuclei. The chromosomes disperse and turn back into Chromatin and the spindle fibres also disperse
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What happens during Cytokinesis?
When the two new cells split and new cell membranes have formed
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What are Clones?
Genetically identical cells
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Definition of Binary Fission?
When one bacteria cell has divided into a single colony of bacteria
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Definition of Differentiation?
The changes that occur in cells of multicellular organisms so that each different type of cell becomes specialised to perform a specific function
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Definition of Exchange surface?
A specialised area that is adapted to make it easier for molecules to cross from one side of a surface to another
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Definition of Gaseous Exchange?
The movement of gases by diffusion between an organism and its environment across a barrier such as the alveolus wall
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What is the Function of the Cartilage?
Supports the trachea and the bronchi holding them open. It also prevents the airway from collapsing when air pressure is low during inhalation. Also gives movement without constriction
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Definition of transpiration?
The loss of water by evaporation from the upper parts of the plant
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Definition of the Transpiration Stream?
As water leaves the xylem in the leaf it must be replaced from below. Water moves up the xylem from the roots to replace the water lost
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Definition of Myogenic?
The heart is a Cardiac muscle which can initiate its own contractions
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Definition of Fibrillation?
The inefficient pumping of the heart
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What is the Atrial Systole?
As the wave of excitation passes over the cardiac muscles it cause them to contract
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What does Inspiration and Expiration mean?
Terms used to describe breathing in and out
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Definition of Tidal Volume?
The Volume of air moving in and out of the lungs with each breath when you are at rest
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Definition of Vital Capacity?
The largest volume of air that can be moved into and out of the lungs in any one breath
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Definition of Residual Volume?
The volume of air that remains in the lungs
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Definition of Inspiratory Reserve Volume?
The volume of how much air can be breathed in
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Definition of Expiratory Reserve Volume?
The volume of how much air can be breathed out
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Definition of Double Circulatory System?
When the blood gets pumped around the body going through the heart twice in one circuit
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Definition of Single Circulatory System?
When the blood only goes through the heart once during one circuit
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Definition of Pulmonary Circulation?
The circuit carriers blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen
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Definition of Systemic Circulation?-
Carries oxygen and nutrients around the body to the tissues
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Cells with a ‘true nucleus’, all organelles are membrane bound, found in both plants and animals


What is a Eukaryotic Cell?

Card 3


Cells that don’t have a ‘true nucleus’, can sometimes cause diseases such as MRSA


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The model of the cell membrane structure, lipid molecules give fluidity and proteins in the membrane give it a mosaic appearance, molecules van be moved about


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Communication between cells by sending information through the molecules such as hormones


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