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6. Dendrite is...

  • junction between the terminal button of an axon and membrane of another neuron
  • tree-like structure which receives information from other neurons
  • Cell body of a neuron, contains the nucleus
  • long, thin, structure which conveys information from the soma to its terminal buttons

7. Communicates with Skeletal muscles and Sense organs

  • Central
  • Autonomic
  • Somatic
  • Sympathetic

8. Postsynaptic Potential...

  • the graded response of the postsynaptic neuron - decremental and instantanous
  • the neuron not being altered by excitatory or inhibitory responses - polarised
  • the difference in electrical charge between the inside and outside of a cell

9. Damage to Lumbar Vertebrae

  • Below the chest
  • Below the neck
  • Below the shoulders
  • Below the hips

10. Saltatory Conduction

  • conduction of action potentials by myelinated axons, action potentials jump from one node of ranvier to the next
  • Passive conduction of electrical current, in a decremental fashion, down an axon

11. Cable Properties

  • Passive conduction of electrical current, in a decremental fashion, down an axon
  • conduction of action potentials by myelinated axons, action potentials jump from one node of ranvier to the next

12. Thoracic

  • 12
  • 5
  • 8

13. Resting Potential means...

  • A neuron is hyperpolarised with 70mV charge inside the cell, than outside the cell
  • A neuron is depolarised with 70mV charge inside the cell, than outside the cell
  • A neuron is polarised with 70mV charge inside the cell, than outside the cell
  • A neuron is polarised with 70mV charge outside the cell, than inside the cell

14. Presynaptic Membrane

  • Membrane opposite the terminal button in a synapse
  • Membrane of a terminal button that lies adjacent to the postsynaptic membrane
  • Small bud on surface of dendrite, terminal button of another neuron form a synapse

15. Parasympathetic Nervous System

  • Rest & Digest
  • Fight or Flight

16. Component inside Dura Mater

  • Superior Sagittal Sinus
  • Vein
  • Arachnoid Granulation Villi
  • Posterior Horn

17. CNS

  • Cell bodies - Nuclei - Axon = Tracts
  • Cell bodies - Ganglia - Axons = Nerves

18. Choroid Plexus is in the...

  • Subarachnoid Space
  • Medulla
  • Lateral Ventricle
  • Third Ventricle

19. Bipolar neuron...

  • One axon attached to soma & axon divides with one branch
  • One axon & one dendrite attached to soma
  • One axon & many dendrites attached to soma

20. All or Nothing Law

  • once action potential begins, it proceeds without decrement to terminal buttons
  • variations in intensity of a stimulus are represented by variations in rate that an axon fires