cells and control

  • Created by: bertie321
  • Created on: 14-03-22 19:10
what do chromosomes contain
genetic information
1 of 21
what does the cell cycle do
makes new cells for growth and repair
2 of 21
what happens at interphase
dna is spread out in long strings and increases the amount of mitochondria and ribosomes
3 of 21
what happens at prophase
chromosomes get shorter and fatter
4 of 21
what happens at metaphase
the chromosomes line up at the centre of the cell
5 of 21
what happens at anaphase
cell fibers pull the chromosomes apart
6 of 21
what happens at telophase
membranes form around each of the sets of chromosomes
7 of 21
what does growth involve
cell division, differentiation and elongation
8 of 21
growth in animals is called
cell division
9 of 21
growth in plants is due to
mainly elongation
10 of 21
how is cancer caused
uncontrolled cell division
11 of 21
what isn used to monitor growth
percentage charts
12 of 21
what can stem cells do
they can differentiate into different types of cells
13 of 21
what do meristems contain
plant stem cells
14 of 21
what can stem cells be used for
they can be used in medicine
15 of 21
what are risks of using stem cells
rejection, tumour development and disease transmission
16 of 21
what does the central nervous system do
it coordinates a response
17 of 21
how do neurons transmit information
by electric impulses
18 of 21
what are the different types of neurons
sensory, motor and relay neurons
19 of 21
what connects neurons
20 of 21
what do reflexes help prevent
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what does the cell cycle do


makes new cells for growth and repair

Card 3


what happens at interphase


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what happens at prophase


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what happens at metaphase


Preview of the front of card 5
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