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6. Which of these is not an adaptation of an erythrocyte?

  • No nucleus so there is more room for oxygen
  • Many lysosomes to break down particles
  • Biconcave disk to increase surface area, and hold more oxygen
  • Small to allow it to get close to body tissues

7. What is not true about epithelial tissue?

  • Can be column shaped
  • held in place by a basement membrane made of collagen and glycoproteins secreted by the cells underneath
  • Forms layers and linings
  • Ciliated epithelium is found in bronchi and oviducts
  • Found mostly in lower regions of the brain
  • Squamous Epithelium form thin flat surfaces in alveoli and blood vessels

8. What is not a adaptation of a spermatozoan?

  • Sperm head contains an acrosome to break down the egg cell
  • Small, long and tim to make movement easier
  • Many mitochondria to provide energy for the micro tubules to move the tail
  • Contains chloroplasts to absorb light
  • Nucleus has half the number of chromosomes to fuse with the egg

9. What differentiation doesn't happen in the bone marrow?

  • Xylem elongate and end walls break down to
  • Neutrophils get multi lobed nucleus
  • Neutrophils get lysomes with enzymes to digest bacteria

10. Which of these is not correct?

  • Organ System - One organ with a particular function
  • Tissue- group of similar cells that work together to form the same function

11. What is an adaptation of pallisade cell?

  • Thin outer wall and thick inner wall, in light will absorb water to become turgid
  • Contains chloroplasts to absorb light, thin walls
  • Hair like projections to increase surface area so more water can be absorbed
  • Small, long and tim to make movement easier

12. Which of these is not an adaption of a neutrophill?

  • Flexible shape to engulf foreign particles
  • Multi-lobed nucleus
  • Biconcave shape
  • Many lysosomes

13. What adaptation do epithelial cells have?

  • Cillia and microvilli
  • Flexible shape to engulf foreign particles
  • Multi-lobed nucleus

14. What is an adaptation of xylem tissue?

  • Long coluums of xylem vessels with parenchyma between them to support them
  • Sieve plates are between each element
  • Exposed surface covered with cilia