cell biology B1

where is eukaryotic cell genetic material
enclosed in a nucleus
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where is the prokaryotic cell genetic material
not enclosed in a nucleus
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function of nucleus
contains genetic material
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function of cytoplasm
a watery solution where chamical reactions take place
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function of the cell membrane
controls the molecules that can enter and leave the cell
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function of the mitochondria
where aerobic respiration takes place
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function of ribosome
its the site of protein synthesis
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function of chloroplast
contains chlorophyll and are the sites of photosynthesis
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function of cell wall
is made from cellulose. this strengths the cell
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what is fertilisation
when the sperm cell joins with an ovum during fertilisation the genetic information of the ovum and sperm combine
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what are some of the sperm cell adaptations
- sperm cells have a long tail which allows them to swim to the ovum . They are also streamlined to make this easier
- they are also packed full of of mitochondria. These provide energy needed for swimming
- sperm cells contain enzymes which allow them
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function of vacuole
filled with fluid called cell sap the vacuole helps give the plant cell its shape
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what is the function of nerve cells
send electrical impulses around the body
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what does the axon do
carries electrical impulses from one part of the body to another
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what does the myelin do
insulates the adon and speeds up the transmission of nerve impulses
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what do synapses do
they are junctions at the end of the axon and allow the impulse to pass from one nerve cell to another
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what do dendrites do
increase the surface area so that other nerve cells can connect more easily
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what do muscle cells contain that can change their length
protein fibres
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what is the function of muscle cells
they work together to form muscle tissues
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what is the function of root hair cells
increase the surface area of the root so it can absorb water and dissolved minerals more efficiently
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why do root hair cells not contain chloroplast
because they are underground
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what are xylem tubes
they are found in plant stem these tubes carry water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves
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what are xylem cells
very thick walls containing lignin . This provides support to the plant
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what causes xylem cells to die
because the cell walls are sealed with lignin this provides support to the plant
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what are some xylem cell and tube adaptations
- the ends between the cells have broken down this means that the cells now form a long tube so water and dissolved minerals can flow easily
- xylem cells have no nucleus, cytoplasm, vacuole or chloroplast this makes it easier for water and minerals to
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what are phloem tubes
these tubes carry dissolved sugars up and down the plant
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what are some phloem cell adaptations
-the end of walls of the vessel cells have pores called sieve plates these features allow dissolved sugars to move through the cell interior
- mitochondria in the companion cell provide energy to the phloem vessel cell
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what is binary fission
one bacteria cell splits into two bacteria cells
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how many times can bacteria carry out binary fission as long as they have enough nutrients and the temperature is suitable
once every 20 minutes
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how many pairs of chromosomes does the human body cell contain
23 pair
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what is the function of chromosomes
they carry a large number of genes which determine many of our features
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how do you work out number of bacteria
n = number of rounds of division
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what happens in all the stages of the cell cycle
- in the first stage of the cell cycle the FNA replicates to from 2 copies of each chromosomes
- in the second stage of the cell cycle mitosis takes place
- in the final stage the cytoplasm and cell membrane divide to form two identical cells
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what is mitosis
one set of chromosomes is pulled to each end of the cell . The nucleus also divides
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why is mitosis essential
1 ) mitosis is essential for growth and development of multicellular organisms
2 )mitosis takes place when an organism repairs itself
3 ) mitosis happens during asexual reproduction
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what is a stem cell
a stem cell is an undifferentiated cell which can give rise to more cells of the same type and can differentiate to form other types of cells
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what is diffusion
the spreading out of particles resulting in a net movement from an area of a higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
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what is osmosis
the diffusion of water from a dilute solution to a concentration solution through a partially permeable membrane
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


where is the prokaryotic cell genetic material


not enclosed in a nucleus

Card 3


function of nucleus


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


function of cytoplasm


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


function of the cell membrane


Preview of the front of card 5
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