
What are the energy stores?
Energy is transferred between stores. The energy stores needed to know are, 1) Thermal 2) Kinetic 3) Gravitational Potential 4) Elastic potential 5) Chemical 6) Magnetic 7) Electrostatic
8) Nuclear
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Energy Transfer
When a system changes (a single or group of objects), energy is transferred into or away from the system.
Energy can be transferred by heating, or doing work. Work can be done when a current flows or by a force on a moving object.
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Kinetic Energy Stores
Movement means energy in an objects kinetic energy store. Anything that is moving has energy in its kinetic energy store. The energy in a kinetic energy store depends on the objects mass and speed.
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Potential Energy Stores
Lifting an object in a gravitational field requires work. This causes a transfer of energy to the gpe store. The amount of energy in a gpe store depends on the object's mass, height and the strength of the gravitational field.
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Conservation of Energy and Power
Energy can be transferred usefully, stored or dissipated but can never be created or destroyed.
Power is the rate of energy transfer. Power is measured in watts. You can calculate power using P=E/t and P=W/t
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Conduction and Convection
Conduction occurs mainly is solids. Conduction is the process where vibrating particles transfer energy to neighbouring particles. Convection only occurs in liquid and gasses. Convection is where energetic particles move away from hotter to cooler regions
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Most energy transfers involve some waste energy. The efficiency of an energy transfer can be worked out by: efficiency=useful output energy transfer/total input energy power. Efficiency can be improved by lubricating objects.
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Energy Resources
Non-renewable energy resources will run out one day. The three main fossil fuels are coal, oil, natural gas. Renewable energy resources will never run out. These are, the sun, wind, water waves, hydro-electricity, bio-fuel, tides and geothermal.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When a system changes (a single or group of objects), energy is transferred into or away from the system.
Energy can be transferred by heating, or doing work. Work can be done when a current flows or by a force on a moving object.


Energy Transfer

Card 3


Movement means energy in an objects kinetic energy store. Anything that is moving has energy in its kinetic energy store. The energy in a kinetic energy store depends on the objects mass and speed.


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Card 4


Lifting an object in a gravitational field requires work. This causes a transfer of energy to the gpe store. The amount of energy in a gpe store depends on the object's mass, height and the strength of the gravitational field.


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Card 5


Energy can be transferred usefully, stored or dissipated but can never be created or destroyed.
Power is the rate of energy transfer. Power is measured in watts. You can calculate power using P=E/t and P=W/t


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