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6. typical angina is when you have three or more symptoms, true or false?

  • True.
  • False.

7. what are the three symptoms of typical angina?

  • chest pain, breathlessness and recovery when seated.
  • chest pain, breathlessness, wheezing.
  • chest pain, recovery when seated, wheezing.

8. low levels of potassium or magnesium can lead to irregular arrhythmias? true or false?

  • true.
  • false.

9. is exercise tolerance testing always reliable?

  • no, it is only reliable in around 70% of cases.
  • yes, it is reliable in 100% of cases.

10. echocardiography aims to view the direction of blood flow out of the heart.

  • true.
  • false.

11. atypical angina is when you have more than two symptoms, true or false?

  • false it is when you have two or fewer.
  • true.

12. BNP is secreted by cardiac myocytes when they are stretched by increased intravascular volume. true or false?

  • true.
  • false.

13. A Doppler ultrasound aims to view the passage of blood flow through arteries and veins. true or false?

  • true.
  • false.

14. What type of testing do patients with a raised BNP have to undergo?

  • chest x ray.
  • echocardiography.
  • angiogram.
  • ETT

15. What position is preferred when conducting an ECG?

  • supine.
  • seated.
  • standing.

16. troponin is a protein complex that plays a crucial role in muscular contraction, true or false?

  • True.
  • False.

17. ACS is an umbrella term for STEMI, NSTEMI, and Unstable angina, true or false?

  • True.
  • False.

18. serum urea and creatinine tests can be carried out because:

  • Elevations of these can indicate poor cardiac output causing renal failure.
  • The heart produces these when it is struggling.
  • the kidneys make more to help the heart and boost blood pressure.

19. In exercise tolerance testing, if chest pain becomes apparent, what does this indicate?

  • if chest pain becomes apparent, this indicates a positive test.
  • if chest pain becomes apparent, this indicates a negative test.

20. What is atheroma?

  • A build-up of plaque in the arteries causes restricted blood flow.
  • A build-up of fat in the capillaries which obstructs the capillaries.
  • A condition that causes obstructive shock.