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6. What is the capital city of Serbia?

  • Belgrade
  • Sarajevo
  • Skopje

7. What is the capital city of Lithuania?

  • Tallinn
  • Vilnius
  • Kiev

8. What is the capital city of Bangladesh?

  • Dhakar
  • Delhi
  • Bombay

9. What is the capital city of France?

  • Paris
  • Lyon
  • Nice

10. What is the capital city of Spain?

  • Madrid
  • Barcelona
  • Seville

11. What is the capital city of Albania?

  • Durres
  • Tirana
  • Ankara

12. What is the capital city of Switzerland?

  • Basel
  • Bern
  • Zurich

13. What is the capital city of Japan?

  • Osaka
  • Tokyo
  • Yokohama

14. What is the capital city of Iran?

  • Tehran
  • Mashhad
  • Baghdad

15. What is the capital city of Hungary?

  • Bucharest
  • Budapest
  • Debrecen

16. What is the capital city of Austria?

  • Graz
  • Vienna
  • Salzburg

17. What is the capital city of Australia?

  • Melbourne
  • Canberra
  • Sidney

18. What is the capital city of Germany?

  • Berlin
  • Stuttgart
  • Munich

19. What is the capital city of Italy?

  • Rome
  • Milan
  • Turin