Cancer genes and tumourigenesis

what is tumorigenesis
a form of somatic evolution
1 of 16
how is tumour development characterised
by multiple rounds of mutation and selection
2 of 16
what is angiogenesis
new blood vessels being formed
3 of 16
why do tumours need blood vessels
needed to support tumour growth beyond 1 million cells
4 of 16
difference between normal cell and cancer cell adhesion
normal- adhesive and embedded in tissue. cancer - lost adhesiion (cadherin), can travel to other tissues
5 of 16
whats unique about cancer genomes
they show abnormalities
6 of 16
what favours tumour progression
acquiring the mutator phenotype
7 of 16
how many genes which mutations have implicated in cancer
8 of 16
the 2 gene types are
oncogenes, tumour supressor
9 of 16
what do tumour supressor genes do
inhibit cell proliferation and tumour development
10 of 16
what do oncogenes do
drive abnormal cell proliferation, can enter cells as a virus
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what is a proto-oncogenes
a normal gene which, when altered by mutation, becomes an oncogene
12 of 16
what are the different types of tumour supressors
caretakers, gatekeepers, landscapers
13 of 16
function of caretakers
promote genome stability & control mutation rate
14 of 16
gatekeepers function
monitor cell division and death
15 of 16
landscapers function
control the cellular microenvironment
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


how is tumour development characterised


by multiple rounds of mutation and selection

Card 3


what is angiogenesis


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


why do tumours need blood vessels


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


difference between normal cell and cancer cell adhesion


Preview of the front of card 5
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