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6. FAP is caused by mutations in which gene?

  • APC gene
  • mismatched repair genes

7. A mutation that leads to the development of a hallmark of cancer is know of what?

  • driver mutation
  • passenger mutation

8. successive acquisition of mutations which are then replicated and outcompete original genes

  • linear evolution
  • branched evolution

9. tumour suppressor genes typically follow which inheritance pattern?

  • X linked
  • multifactoral
  • autosomal dominant
  • autosomal recessive

10. "Different cancers can be caused by mutations in different genes"

  • homogeneity
  • linear evolution
  • heterogenicity
  • Hayflick limit

11. P53 production is mediated by which of the following:

  • -ve feedback loop with itself
  • MDM3
  • MDM2
  • RAS proteins

12. carcinomas are caused by mutations in which genes?

  • P53 genes
  • Rb genes
  • RAS genes

13. proto-oncogene genes typically follow which inheritance pattern?

  • X linked
  • autosomal recessive
  • autosomal dominant
  • mitochondrial

14. "additional driver mutation that gives rise to a benign tumour" describes which of the three strikes needed for cancer development?

  • expansion phase
  • breakthrough phase
  • invasive phase

15. P53 is what type of gene?

  • tumour suppressor
  • proto-oncogene