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6. what the horizontal lines in the periodic table called?

  • periods
  • relative atomic number
  • groups
  • relative atomic mass

7. where are the protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom?

  • central nucleus = protons & neutrons, shells = electrons
  • central nucleus = electrons & neutrons, shells = protons
  • central nucleus = protons , shells = electrons & neutrons
  • central nucleus = electrons, shells = protons & neutrons

8. atoms of the same element with a different number of neutrons are called what?

  • isotopes
  • relatives
  • elements
  • atom equivalence's

9. who first made the periodic table?

  • Mendeleev
  • Antimony
  • Newlands
  • Newton

10. Atoms of given element have the same number of what in their nuclei?

  • electrons
  • protons and neutrons
  • protons
  • neutrons

11. what is the atomic number in an element?

  • the number of electrons in the nucleus
  • the number of protons in the nucleus
  • the number of neutrons in the nucleus
  • the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus

12. what is the mass number in an element?

  • the total number of electrons and neutrons in the nucleus
  • the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus
  • the total number of protons and electrons in the nucleus
  • the total number of neutrons and electrons in the nucleus

13. atoms have the same number of what?

  • protons and electrons
  • protons and neutrons
  • electrons and neutrons
  • shells and electrons

14. what is the relative mass and relative charge of a electron?

  • mass=1/1840, charge=-1
  • mass=1, charge=0
  • mass=1, charge=+1
  • mass=10, charge=+10

15. what is the relative mass and relative charge of a proton?

  • mass=1/1840, charge=-1
  • mass=1, charge=0
  • mass=1, charge=+1
  • mass=10, charge=+10

16. where is the mass number written when next to an element symbol?

  • top left
  • bottom right
  • top right
  • bottom left