C1 Atomic Structure

What is an atom?
Smallest part of an element that can exist
1 of 25
What is an element?
A substance made of 1 type of atom.
2 of 25
Where are elements found?
Periodic Table
3 of 25
What are compounds?
2 or more elements chemically bonded together.
4 of 25
What is a mixture?
2 or more elements or compounds mixed but not chemically bonded together.
5 of 25
What happens to atoms during a chemical reaction?
Atoms are not changed, however can be rearranged to form new substances.
6 of 25
What are the four separation techniques?
Filtration, Evaporation/Crystallisation, Distillation and chromatography
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Originally, what were atoms thought to be?
Tiny spheres that could not be divided
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Describe the plum pudding model
A ball of positive charge with negative electrons embedded in it.
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What did the results from the alpha particle scattering experiment lead to?
The mass of the atom was concentrated at the centre, known as the nucleus and this as positively charged.
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What did Niels Bohr suggest?
Electrons orbit the nucleus at specific distances.
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What two subatomic particles are found within the nucleus?
Protons and neutrons
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Why is the nucleus positively charged?
Neutrons do not have a charge, whereas protons are positively charged.
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What did James Chadwick prove?
The existence of neutrons within the nucleus, leading to the discovery of isotopes.
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What are isotopes?
Atoms of the same element, with the same number of protons but a different number of electrons.
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What charge does a proton, neutron and electron have?
Positive, neutral and negative.
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Why do atoms have no overall charge?
Same number of protons and electrons and therefore cancel each other out.
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What is the atomic number?
Number of protons
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What is the mass number?
Number of protons and neutrons added together.
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What is the mass of protons, neutrons and electrons?
1, 1 and very small/0.
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What is different with each element?
Number of protons.
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What radius does an atom have?
0.1nm (1 x 10-10m)
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What is the radius of the nucleus?
Less than 1/10,000 of an atom
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What is the equation to work out the atomic mass of an element given the percentage abundance of isotopes?
( (percent abundance of isotope 1 x atomic mass number of isotope 1) + (percent abundance of isotope 2 x atomic mass of isotope 2) ) divided by 100.
24 of 25
What is the rule for electrons in shells 1 to 4?
2, 8, 8, 2
25 of 25

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What is an element?


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