Business Unit 3 - Finance

  • Created by: 12hyasin
  • Created on: 03-05-18 12:54
Total Cash in
Total of all cash inflows
1 of 20
total cash out
Total of all cash outflows
2 of 20
net cash flow
Total cash in - total cash out
3 of 20
Opening balance
Closing balance of the previous month unless stated otherwise
4 of 20
Closing balance
Net cash flow +/-
5 of 20
Break even
Fixed Cost/Contribution or Fixed Cost/Selling Price-Variable Cost
6 of 20
Break Even Revenue
Break Even Level of Output x Selling Price
7 of 20
Selling Price - Variable Cost Per Unit
8 of 20
Total Contribution
(Selling Price - Variable Cost Per Unit) x Quantity Sold
9 of 20
Margin Of Safety
Actual Sales - Break even level of output
10 of 20
Selling Price x Quanity
11 of 20
Total Variable Costs
Variable Cost Per unit x Quantity Sold
12 of 20
Total Costs
Total Variable Costs + Fixed Costs
13 of 20
Revenue - Total Costs or Total Contribution - Fixed Costs or Margin of Safety x Contribution Per Unit
14 of 20
Costs of Goods Sold
Opening Inventories + Purchases - Closing Inventories
15 of 20
Gross Profit
Sales Turnover - Costs Of Goods Sold
16 of 20
Net Profit ( Profit or Loss for the year )
Gross Profit - Expenses + Other Income
17 of 20
Net Profit after Tax
Net profit- Tax
18 of 20
Straight Line Depreciation
Historic Value - Residual Value/Expected Life
19 of 20
Reducing Balance Depreciation
Historic Value - Depreciation (% figure)
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


total cash out


Total of all cash outflows

Card 3


net cash flow


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Opening balance


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Closing balance


Preview of the front of card 5
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