Burglary Quiz

The key elements of burglary are
Entry, building or part of a building, as a trespasser, mens rea
1 of 15
For entry, there must be evidence for the jury to find the defendant had entered
2 of 15
The building includes an inhabited vehicle or vessel
S9 (4) Theft Act
3 of 15
The building must have some permanence, a freezer container is a building
B and S v Leathly
4 of 15
The building must have some permanence, a lorry trailer with wheels is not a building
Norfolk constabulary v Seeking and Gould
5 of 15
The defendant may have permission to be in one part of a building but does not have permission to be in another part
6 of 15
If a person has permission to enter they are not a trespasser
7 of 15
Where the defendant is given permission to enter, but goes beyond that permission he may be considered a trespasser
Smith and Jones and Barker v R
8 of 15
For S9 (1) a) the defendant must have the intention for the ulterior offence
Before entering, or at the time of entering, there is no requirement for the offence to actually be committed or even attempted
9 of 15
For S9 (1) b) it is more important to prove
That the ulterior offence was committed or attempted, it does not matter where the intention occured
10 of 15
For S9 (1) a) the ulterior offences are
Theft, GBH, criminal damage
11 of 15
For S9 (1) b) the ulterior offences are
Theft, GBH
12 of 15
For both S9 (1) a and S9 (1) b) the defendant must
Know or be subjectively reckless as to whether he is trespassing
13 of 15
S9 (1) a) has the additional mens rea of intention to commit an ulterior offence
Before or at the time of entering
14 of 15
For S9 (1) b) there is the additional mens rea of
Attempting to commit Theft or GBH when in the building
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


For entry, there must be evidence for the jury to find the defendant had entered



Card 3


The building includes an inhabited vehicle or vessel


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The building must have some permanence, a freezer container is a building


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The building must have some permanence, a lorry trailer with wheels is not a building


Preview of the front of card 5
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