Bruner Flashcards

Who was Bruner?
Jerome Bruner was an American psychologist who made significant contributions to human cognitive psychology and cognitive learning theory
1 of 7
What were Bruner's 3 modes of representation?
Enactive representation (action-based)
Iconic representation (image-based)
Symbolic representation (language-based)
2 of 7
What theory did Bruner come up with?
The constructivist theory
3 of 7
What did Bruner's work suggest about young learners?
They are capable of learning any material so long as the instruction is organized appropriately
4 of 7
Name the age ranges of Bruner's 3 representation
Enactive representation - 0 to 1 years
Iconic representation - 1 to 6 years
Symbolic representation - 7 years onwards
5 of 7
What did Bruner argue about language?
That language can code stimuli and free an individual from the constraints of dealing only with appearances, to provide a more complex yet flexible cognition
6 of 7
What item of Piaget's did Bruner oppose?
Piaget's notes on readiness
7 of 7

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Card 2


What were Bruner's 3 modes of representation?


Enactive representation (action-based)
Iconic representation (image-based)
Symbolic representation (language-based)

Card 3


What theory did Bruner come up with?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Bruner's work suggest about young learners?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name the age ranges of Bruner's 3 representation


Preview of the front of card 5
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