Brain and eye

  • Created by: sharonn.0
  • Created on: 18-04-22 15:02
what does the CNS consist of
brain and spinal cord
1 of 24
function of the cerebral cortex
outer layer of the brain
intelligence, memory and consciousness
2 of 24
function of cerebellum
balance and muscle coordination
3 of 24
function of medulla oblangata
controls unconscious activities such as heart rate and breathing rate
4 of 24
how to use CT scan
- produce 3D images of the brain using X rays
- produces physical structures of the brain
5 of 24
how to use PET scan
- use radioactive tracers which collect in areas where there is an increased blood flow
6 of 24
why is studying the brain difficult
- the brain is complex
- hard to access the brain
- can cause a lot of problems
7 of 24
what is an axon
insulated by a fatty myelin sheath with small uninsulated sections along its length
8 of 24
pathway of nervous system
stimulus → sensory neurone → relay neurone → motor neurone → effector → response
9 of 24
what is an effector
muscle or gland
10 of 24
what is the function of the cornea
transparent and refracts light
11 of 24
what is the function of iris
controls how much light enter the pupil
12 of 24
what is the function of lens
refracts liight
13 of 24
what is the function of the retina
contain light receptor cells
14 of 24
what is the function of the optic nerve
sensory neurone that carries impulses between the eye and brain
15 of 24
what is the function of pupil
hole that allow light to enter the eye
16 of 24
what happens when objects are close up
- ciliary muscles contract
- suspensory ligament loosen
- light is refracted more
17 of 24
what happens when objects are far away
- ciliary muscles loosen
- supsensory ligament tight
- light is refracted less
18 of 24
what happen to pupil in dim light
pupil dilates - widens
19 of 24
what happen to pupil in bright light
pupil constricts - narrows
20 of 24
what is short sightedness (myopia)
- eyeball is too long
- distance objects appear blurry
21 of 24
what is long sightedness (hyperoia)
- eyeball is too short
- close objects appear blurry
22 of 24
how to treat short sightedness
concave lens
23 of 24
how to treat long sightedness
convex lens
24 of 24

Other cards in this set

Card 2


function of the cerebral cortex


outer layer of the brain
intelligence, memory and consciousness

Card 3


function of cerebellum


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


function of medulla oblangata


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how to use CT scan


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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