Booklet 5 Aggression - Social psychological explanations

  • Created by: lozpoz24
  • Created on: 29-04-21 20:21

1. Which explanation contradicts the social psychological explanations?

  • Genetic factors
  • The biological explanation
  • The evolutionary explanation
  • The ethological explanation
1 of 10

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2. What type of behaviour did deviance in the dark lead to as oppose to aggressive behaviour?

  • Doubtful behaviour
  • Conversational behaviour
  • Sexual behaviour
  • Exploring behaviour

3. What is a weakness of lab studies such as Bandura's research?

  • They lack test-retest reliability
  • They lack ecological validity
  • They lack inter-observer reliability
  • They lack face validity

4. What is private self-awareness (Prentice-Dunn)?

  • What we think of others
  • Seeing ourselves how others see us
  • Our internal standards
  • Our opinions

5. Which approach is Dollard's idea that aggression is a drive based on?

  • Psychodynamic
  • Behavioural
  • Cognitive
  • Humanistic


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