Other questions in this quiz

2. How do male stickleback fish respond to a realistic shape with no red underbelly?

  • Without aggression
  • With excitement
  • With aggression
  • With extreme aggression

3. What does Lorenz focus on?

  • Male stickleback fish
  • Innate releasing mechanisms
  • Fixed action patterns
  • Vipers

4. What do vipers do according to Cooper?

  • Bite their prey and eat it immediately
  • Bite their prey and leave a chemical signal to find the body later
  • Bite their prey and hide the body for later
  • Bite their prey and leave a physical signal to find the body later

5. Who found that the sign stimulus of male stickleback fish is a red underbelly?

  • Cooper
  • Harlow
  • Tinbergen
  • Lorenz


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