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6. Give a strength of animal research

  • Can be generalised
  • Establishes a cause and effect relationship
  • More ethical than on humans
  • Cannot be generalised

7. Why is this explanation too simplistic?

  • Due to assuming that everyone has the same genes
  • Due to only women having the MAOA-L enzyme
  • Due to low concordance rates
  • Due to high concordance rates

8. What does the MAOA enzyme break down?

  • Adrenaline
  • Serotonin
  • Dopamine
  • The MAOA gene

9. How many children did the Danish Adoption Study involve?

  • 15,000
  • Over 14,000
  • Just under 14,000
  • 10,000

10. What is the MAOA gene nicknamed as?

  • The 'master' gene
  • The 'warrior' gene
  • The 'leader' gene
  • The 'strong' gene