Book 1: Lesson 2: UK Economy

Who owns the public sector?
Central goverment and Local athorities
1 of 33
What does the public sector do?
Benefits the society
2 of 33
How does the public sector do what it does?
By providing affordable/free services
3 of 33
Who owns the private sector?
A private individual operating on there own/group
4 of 33
What does the private sector do?
Makes a profit
5 of 33
How does the private sector do what it does?
Sells goods/services to those who can pay
6 of 33
What are the three sub sections of the private sector?
Sole traders, Partnerships, Limited companies
7 of 33
Who owns a sole trader business entity?
Owned by one person
8 of 33
Whats unincorporated mean? (besides above)
The owner is responsible for any action or inaction of the business
9 of 33
there financial recods are..
unrestricted or no regulation
10 of 33
Who owns a partnership business entity?
Two or more people
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Is a partnership business entity unincorporated?
If they choose to be
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What puts the owners private wealth and investment at stake?
Unlimited liability
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Whats Limited Liability?
Only liable for the extent of there investment
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Can they be involved in managing the business if they choose to have limited liability?
15 of 33
What is a deed of partnership?
Outlines each partners rights and responsiblity
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What does it prevent?
17 of 33
What happens if they have no deed of partnership?
Profits and losses are equal between partners by the capital and contribution they invest
18 of 33
What is this goverened by?
Partnership act 1890
19 of 33
Are limited companies public or private sector?
20 of 33
Who owns a limited company?
21 of 33
What does it mean if a business entity is incorporated?
Seprate from its owners
22 of 33
As a living person in the eyes of the law can a limited company sue or be sued?
23 of 33
Can it enter a contract?
24 of 33
What must a private limited company do?
Have it's name end in limited (Ltd)
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What must a public limited company do?
End its name with public limited company (plc)
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A Privated company cannot?
Sell it's shares to the general public
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Can a public limited company sell it's shares to the general public when its listed on the stock exchange?
28 of 33
The capital private limited companys can raise from shares is?
Less than 50,000
29 of 33
The capitalpublic limited companys is legally required to raise from shares is?
At least 50,000
30 of 33
Do share holders have limited liablility?
31 of 33
So If an individual invested in a company by buying 5,000 shares at £1 each then, should the company fail, the maximum amount they could lose is?
32 of 33
What determines the requirements relating to the keeping of financial records and the preparation and presentation of financial statements on their behalf?
The Companies Act 2006
33 of 33

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does the public sector do?


Benefits the society

Card 3


How does the public sector do what it does?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who owns the private sector?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does the private sector do?


Preview of the front of card 5
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