Biology-B2-Blood Vessels

  • Created by: tonisha_
  • Created on: 16-06-21 18:55
What are the three main blood vessels?
arteries veins and capillaries
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What is the job of the arteries?
to carry blood away from the heart
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What is one main adaptation of the arteries?
it has a thick muscular wall
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Why does it have a thick muscular wall?
due to blood flowing out of heart entering arteries with high pressure
this allows arteries to deal with high pressure as the walls stretch
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What is another adaptation of the arteries?
elastic fibres
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What are the elastic fibres for?
responds to the force of the blood causing blood flow to be smoother
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What other two adaptations does the arteries have?
a small lumen and smooth lining
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What is a lumen?
hollow space where the blood flows through
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Why do arteries not need valves?
force of heartbeat keeps blood flowing in right direction (away from the heart)
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What is the role of the capillaries?
supply nutrients and oxygen to the cells in the body and to remove waste products
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What is an example of a waste product?
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
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What is a key adaptation of the capillaries?
the walls are made up of one single layer of cells
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What is its purpose?
allows shorter diffusion path and speeds up the exchange of materials
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The capillaries are narrow.

What does this mean?
the blood cells have to pass through in single file
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What do the capillaries join up?
the veins and arteries
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What is the role of the veins?
to carry blood towards the heart
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What is one adaptation of the veins?
thin outer wall
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Why do veins have a thin outer wall?
blood is flowing at low pressure
this means blood is flowing slowly and calmly
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What is another adaptation of veins?
they have a large lumen
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What else do veins have that arteries and capillaries dont?
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Why do veins have valves?
to prevent the backflow of blood
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the job of the arteries?


to carry blood away from the heart

Card 3


What is one main adaptation of the arteries?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why does it have a thick muscular wall?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is another adaptation of the arteries?


Preview of the front of card 5
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