blood brothers

  • Created by: hmurray
  • Created on: 07-03-17 14:11
who convinces Micky to take part in the robbery
1 of 23
What did Mrs Lyons say to Mrs Johnstone about what would happen to both twins if they met?
“They … they say that if either twin learns that he once was a pair, they shall both immediately die.”
2 of 23
who is superstitious?
Mrs Johnstone
3 of 23
how many kids did Mrs Johnstone have?
7 and one on the way.
4 of 23
which son is given away at birth?
5 of 23
What can't Mrs Johnstone pay at the begging of the play?
the Milkman.
6 of 23
who has a big house and rich?
Mrs Lyons
7 of 23
where does Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons move to?
8 of 23
how old are the twins when they first meet?
7 years old
9 of 23
who was in love with mickey from being a teenager?
10 of 23
who did linda have a baby with?
11 of 23
who is mrs Johnstone referred to through out the play?
Marilyn Monroe
12 of 23
when the policemen asked Edward about his name, what did he say?
Adolf Hitler
13 of 23
who wrote Blood Brothers?
Willy russel
14 of 23
who was primeminister?
Margaret Thatcher
15 of 23
where was it set?
16 of 23
when was it wrote?
17 of 23
what background did willy russel grow up in?
working class
18 of 23
what age did Willy Russel go back to school?
19 of 23
what type of school did Edward go to?
private school
20 of 23
why did mickey get expelled from school?
he didn't do his work
21 of 23
why did edward get expeled from school?
wouldn't give his locket in to the teacher and swore.
22 of 23
who was in the locket?
mrs johnstone and Mickey
23 of 23

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Card 2


What did Mrs Lyons say to Mrs Johnstone about what would happen to both twins if they met?


“They … they say that if either twin learns that he once was a pair, they shall both immediately die.”

Card 3


who is superstitious?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how many kids did Mrs Johnstone have?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


which son is given away at birth?


Preview of the front of card 5
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The question about what Edward says to the policeman is wrong as he says the opposite one that Mickey and Linda told him.

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