biosocial theory of gender

  • Created by: Gemma
  • Created on: 26-04-14 10:59
Biosocial theory - Money + Erdhart
Attempts to combine nature + nurture. As soon as individual is born, social labelling + the differential treatment of boys + girls interact with biological factors to steer development. If child is assigned gender under age of 3,would aquire gender
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Social Role theory - Eagly + Wood
Evolution resulted in physical differences, which lead to sex role allocations, which in turn create psychological sex differences.
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Divison of labour - SRT
Biologically based physical difference between men + women allow them to perform certain tasks more efficiently
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Mate choice -SRT
What men + women seek in a partner can be related to their social roles rather than to reproductive value of certain traits. Physical differences creates social roles - so women pick a men who is a good wage earned to maximise their outcome
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Hormonal differences -SRT
Further suggested hormonal differences of men +women may be the outcome of social roles + psychological sex differences rather than the cause. Men are strong and engage in more athletic events which create high testosterone levels
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David Reimer - Money
born as a genetic male -penis burnt off + so raised him as a girl ==> M+E would say this could be possible because it was done before age of 3. however eventually he had a sex change + became bruce reimer
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In young animals + children display strong sex differences in their toy preference, therefore being more innate than evolutionary. Also that behaviour is least important + so selection pressure would have a direct effect on creating psychological dif
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Eagly + Wood
re-evaluation of Buss's study , found that when women had a higher status, the division of labour was less pronounced.
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unethical to impose a gender on somebody as Money did
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Card 2


Social Role theory - Eagly + Wood


Evolution resulted in physical differences, which lead to sex role allocations, which in turn create psychological sex differences.

Card 3


Divison of labour - SRT


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Card 4


Mate choice -SRT


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Card 5


Hormonal differences -SRT


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