
autonomic nervous system
transmits info to and from internal body organs. it is autonomic as the system operates involunatry. it consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches
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central nervous system
consits of brain and spinal chord and is the origin of all complex commands and decisions
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peripheral nervous system
sends info to the CNS from the outside world, and transmits messages from CNS to muscles and glands in the body
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somatic nervous system
transmits info from receptor cells in the sense organs to the CNS. it also recieves info from CNS that direct muscles to act
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endocrine system
instructs glands to release hormones directly into the blood stream. these hormones are carried towards target organs in the body
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an organ in the body that synthesises substances such as hormones
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chemical messengers that travel in the blood
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pituitary gland
master gland. located in the hypothalamus
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a hormone produced by the adrenal glands which is apart of the bodys immediate stress response system
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fight or flight
the way an animal responds when stressed. body becomes physiollogically aroused in readiness to fight the agressor of flee
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parasympathetic branch
controls the relaxed state. rest and digest
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sympathetic branch
activayes internal organs for fight or flight
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when a neurtransmitter increases the positive charge of the post synaptic neuron. this increases teh likelihodd that the neuron will fire and pass on the electrical impulse
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makes the charge of the neuron negative, so less likely to fire decreasing the chance of an electrical impulse being sent
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motor neurons
connect CNS to effectors such as muscles of glands. short dendrites and long axons
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brain chemicals released from synaptic vesicles that relay signals from one neuron to the next. they can be divided into excitatory or inhibatory
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relay neurons
connect sensory to motoe neurons. short dendrites and axons
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sensory neuron
carry messages from PNS to CNS. long dendrites and short axons.
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measures brain activity while a person is performing a task. measures oxygen levels
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records electrical impulses produced by the brain activity by measuring wave patterns
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types of brain waves trigged by a particular stimulus
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post mortems
the brain is analysed after death to determine whether certain observed behaviours during the patients lifetime can be linked to brain abnormality
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the brains tendency to change and adapt as a result of experience and new learning
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axonal sprouting
the growth of new erve endings which connect teh other undamaged nerve cells to form new neuronal path ways
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recruitment of homologoud
areas on the oppposite side of the brain to perform specific tasks
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hemispheric lateralisation
the idea that two hemispheres of the brain are functionally different and tha certain mental processes and behaviours are mainly controlled by one hemisphere
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biological rhythms
distinct patterns of changes in the body activity that occur in cycles. they're influenced by internal body clocks and external changes in the environment
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circadian rhythms
take 24 hours to complete. sleep-wake cycle
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infradian rhythms
take longer than 24 hours to complete. menstrual cycle
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ultradian rhythms
less than 24 hours to complete. stages of sleep
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endogenous pacemakers
internal body clocks. suprachiasmatic nucleus
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exogenous zeitgebers
external cues that may affect or entrain our biologocal rhythms. light and social cues
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


central nervous system


consits of brain and spinal chord and is the origin of all complex commands and decisions

Card 3


peripheral nervous system


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


somatic nervous system


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


endocrine system


Preview of the front of card 5
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