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6. What is the full name of ATP?

  • Adenosine triphosphate
  • Adenine triphosphate
  • Amino triphosphate

7. Name one reason why not all of the Sun's energy is converted to organic matter by plants?

  • Over 90% of the Sun's energy is reflected back into space by clouds and dust
  • Plants are inefficient in converting this energy
  • Competition for Sun energy makes it difficult to absorb very much

8. How is ethanol produced in plants and some microorganisms during anaerobic respiration?

  • Pyruvate loses a CO2 molecule and accepts hydrogen from reduced NAD to produce ethanol
  • Pyruvate takes up 2 hydrogen atoms from reduced NAD to form lactate

9. What does an inorganic fertiliser consist of?

  • Minerals mined from rocks and deposits and blended to give the appropriate balance for a particular crop
  • Dead/decaying remains of plants and animal waste, e.g manure and bone meal

10. Briefly describe what happens during Krebs cycle?

  • Glucose molecule is split into 2 3-carbon pyruvate molecules
  • Electrons are used to synthesise ATP, producing water as a by-product
  • Acetylco-A is introduced into a cycle of oxidation-reduction reactions that yield some ATP and a large number of electrons
  • Pyruvate is split into CO2 and a 2-carbon molecule called acetylco-A

11. What is meant by the term 'co-dominance'?

  • Both alleles contribute to the phenotype, e.g one red and one white allele in snapdragons results in a pink colour found in the phenotype.
  • Both alleles are dominant, and so this characteristic is expressed

12. Complete this sentence: Systematic sampling is more suitable when ______

  • There is some form of transition in the communities of plants and animals
  • It would take too long to count every individual
  • Random sampling would damage the habitat being studied

13. What is meant by 'selection pressure'?

  • Only those who are able to escape predators/withstand disease or adverse climate survive to reproduce
  • Farmers choose organisms with the most desirable genetics to breed

14. If both alleles are the same (e.g both code for dominant brown eyes), this is known as _______?

  • Homozygous dominant
  • Homozygous recessive
  • Heterozygous

15. Define the term 'population'?

  • A group of individuals of the same species that occupy the same habitat at the same time
  • All of the organisms of all the species that live in an area at the same time, interacting with each other
  • Where an organism lives and what it does there

16. What is produced during aerobic respiration?

  • CO2, water and ATP
  • Lactate/ethanol, CO2 (in plants) and little ATP

17. These periodic popuation decreases create what is known as __________?

  • Selection pressure
  • Root pressure
  • Negative pressure

18. Which 4 abiotic factors affect population size?

  • Predation and prey
  • Temperature, light, pH and water/humidity
  • Wind, rain, sun and air

19. What are the two types of quadrat?

  • Point and frame quadrats
  • Line and frame quadrats
  • Pinpoint and square quadrats

20. What is meant by 'energy'?

  • The ability to do work
  • ATP
  • Calories