Biology Unit 3a AQA Summary

  • Created by: Han2812
  • Created on: 09-05-13 18:40
What is Osmosis?
The movement of water molecules from an area (high to low concentration)
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What is Diffusion?
Where particles move from an area (high to low)
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What 2 substances diffuse out of stomata?
Water Vapour and Oxygen
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What happens when you breath in?
The rib cage expands, diaphram contracts and moves down, decreasing the pressure and drawing air in
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What happens when you breath out?
The diaphram relaxes, the rib cage decreases, increasing the pressure and pushing air out
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Where are the alveoli? How do the maximise diffusion or CO2 and Oxygen?
In the lungs. Gave a large surface area, moist lining, very thin walls, good blood supply
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Where are the Villi? How do the maximise diffusion?
In the small intestine. Increase the surface area of the intestine, single layer of cells, good blood supply
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What is active transport?
The movement of molecules against the concentration gradient (low to high), uses energy (different to diffusion)
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What does the phloem do?
Transports food substances, mainly dissolved sugars to growing regions and storage organs
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What does the Xylem do?
This transports water and minerals up by the transpiration stream
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What causes transpiration?
Evaporation and diffusion of water from inside the leaves
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What are the four different arteries and veins in the heart?
The pulmonary artery, vena cava (Right Side - deoxygenated blood), pulmonary vein and aorta (Left side - oxygenated blood)
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Why do the arteries have strong, elastic walls?
To cope with the blood being pumped from the heart at high speed - elastic fibres to allow them to stretch and spring back
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How do capillaries increase the rate of diffusion?
Really small, only allow one blood cell at a time, one cell thick wall - allows blood to have a short diffusion path to the cells
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What is the job of the red blood cell?
To carry oxygen from the lungs to the cells in the body
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What is the job of the white blood cell?
To defend against diseases, produce antibodies to neutralise any toxins produced by microorganisms
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What helps the blood clot?
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What are stents?
they are tubes which are inserted into the artery, get opened up and keep the artery open
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What is homeostasis?
The maintenace of a constant internal environment?
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What 6 main things does homeostasis control?
Temperatur, water content, ion content, blood sugar levels, carbon dioxide, urea
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What happens if you are too hot?
Hairs lie flat, sweat is produced - evaporates cooling the skin down, blood vessels dilate to get rid of excess heat
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What happens if you are too cold?
Hairs rise up, no sweat produced, shiver and blood vessels close off near the skin to save heat
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What are the three main roles of the kidney?
To clean the blood of urea, adjust ions and adjust water content
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What substances diffuse through the partically permamble membrane in renal dialysi?
Urea, excess ions and water
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What causes Type 1 diabetes?
Lack of insulin - cant diffuse sugars from the blood effectively into cells
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How can this be controlled?
Insulin injectors, low carb diets, exercise
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Card 2


What is Diffusion?


Where particles move from an area (high to low)

Card 3


What 2 substances diffuse out of stomata?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens when you breath in?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happens when you breath out?


Preview of the front of card 5
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