Biology B4

  • Created by: erin
  • Created on: 14-03-13 09:34
What is an ecosytem?
Includes all the living things in an area and how they interact with eachother and the physical conditions around them. Self sufficient (needs nothing supplied to it except energy from the sun)
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What is a natural ecosystem?
Often contain many types of an organism. Have a large biodiversity. (woodlands lakes and seashores)
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What is an artificial ecosystem?
Those created by humans (fish farms foresty plantations and gardens) Fewer types of organisms so have a lower biodiversity. Humans control what organisms live there and remove unwanted species.
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How does photosynthesis occur?
2 stages. First stage, uses light energy to split waste oxygen gas and hydrogen ions. Second stage combines hydrogen ions with carbon dioxide to form glucose and some water that is used up during photosynthesis.
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What is the word equation for photosynthesis?
carbon dioxide + water = carbohydrates + oxygen
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Name 3 advantages for storing glucose in a plant as starch.
1) Starch can be converted back into glucose for respiration in plant cells. 2) Starch is insoluble and so will not dissolve in water and flow out of the cells where it is stored. 3) Starch does not affect the water concentration inside the cells.
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What does a plant make in photosynthesis?
Food; glucose, a carbohydrate (some used for respiration and the rest is stored in the plant) 2) Oxygen: waste gas produced (some used for respiration in plant cells and rest is given off through stomata to plants surroundings)
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What happens to plants during the day?
Photosynthesise at a faster rate then they respire. Take in more co2 for photosynthesis and releasing the extra oxygen produced.
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What happens to the plant during the night?
Respire but do not photosynthesise. Oxygen is taken into the leaf and waste co2 is released.
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What factors will speed up photosynthesis?
more carbon dioxide, more light and a warm temperature.
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How do people growing plants in a greenhouse ensure their plants have the best conditions?
They use lighting systems which increase the hours of daylight available in plants and use heaters to burn gas or other fueks to add warmth and relase co2.
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How does availability of light affect the rate of photosynthesis?
Provides energy to drive photosynthesis. More light there is, faster the rate of photosynthesis.
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How does the amount of co2 affect the rate of photosyntheis?
The more co2 there is the faster the rate of photosynthesis. Available in shortest supply so is often a limiting factor.
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How does a suitable temperature affect the rate of photosynthesis?
Affects how quickly enzymes work. Enzymes make the reactions happen. As temperature rises rate of photosynthesis increases however if it gets too hot rhe enzymes will be denatured and photosynthesis stops.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a natural ecosystem?


Often contain many types of an organism. Have a large biodiversity. (woodlands lakes and seashores)

Card 3


What is an artificial ecosystem?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does photosynthesis occur?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the word equation for photosynthesis?


Preview of the front of card 5
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