biology 2

what is the function of the valves in the heart?
valves prevent the backflow of blood
1 of 8
what is thedifference in structure between an artery and a vein?
arteries have thicker walls,veins have valves along their length and arteries do not.
2 of 8
why are stents used?
to open up blood vessels that have been narrowed by fatty deposits
3 of 8
give an example of a gas transported by plasma?
4 of 8
what is the function of platelets?
they help blood to clot at the site of a wound
5 of 8
why is plasma given to patients?
to increase blood volume when a lot of blood has been lost in a patient
6 of 8
what is the advantages of an artificial heart?
the ydo not need to match the persons tissue,avaliable when not enough donors
7 of 8
what are the names of the two transport tissues in the flowering plants?
xylem and phloem
8 of 8

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Card 2


what is thedifference in structure between an artery and a vein?


arteries have thicker walls,veins have valves along their length and arteries do not.

Card 3


why are stents used?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


give an example of a gas transported by plasma?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the function of platelets?


Preview of the front of card 5
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