
aerobic respiration- your rate and depth of breathing goes up, which gets more oxygen into the lungs and the blood. your heart rate goes up, so blood with oxygen is quickly delivered to muscle cell, more glucose to muscle cells. glycogen into glucose
Anaerobic respiration- happens when your muscles are not delivered with enough extra oxygen to respire during excersise, cytoplasm of cells, LACTIC acid instead of co2, cannot be used for longer as it is toxic causes muscle fatique, blood flows/takes
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oxygen debt- glucose to breakdown lactic acid, < lowers the pH this redices the activity of enzymes so muscle don't contract efficiently, when your heart and breathing rate increases the extra oxygen is used to oxidise the lactic acid to co2 and h2o
Mitosis- growth, repair and replacement of dead cells. Division starts, a copy of each chromosomes is made the this cell divides in two to form daughter cells, have a nucleus with four chromosomes identical to the parent cell all cells except sex cel
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Meiosis- normal division, the cell divides into two and these are immediatly divided again,this gives four cells each with a single set of chromosomes in the case two instead of the original four
Biological detergents have enzymes(protease and lipase) they remove protein stains such as egg yolk and blood and fat such as sweat and grease. best pH is 10, some enzyme get denatured at high temps as they are designed to work temps up to 40c
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amylase breaks down starch into sugars. protease breaks down protein into amino acids. lipase breaks down lipids(fats and oils ) into fatty acids and glycerol molecules
enzymes in the industry- protease to pre-digest baby foods, Isomerse to make slimming foods because, it is sweeter so you can use less of it and still get the same taste. so therefore the food will have less calories
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fossils are made when ammonites dies and falls to the bottom of the sea , layers of sand and mud covers the ammonite, the sand and mud into rock and ammonite fossils were then surrounded by rock
Main causes of Extinction- new diseases, new competitors, major catastrophic events e.g. massive volcanic eruptions, new predators or hunters
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Card 2


Mitosis- growth, repair and replacement of dead cells. Division starts, a copy of each chromosomes is made the this cell divides in two to form daughter cells, have a nucleus with four chromosomes identical to the parent cell all cells except sex cel


oxygen debt- glucose to breakdown lactic acid, < lowers the pH this redices the activity of enzymes so muscle don't contract efficiently, when your heart and breathing rate increases the extra oxygen is used to oxidise the lactic acid to co2 and h2o

Card 3


Biological detergents have enzymes(protease and lipase) they remove protein stains such as egg yolk and blood and fat such as sweat and grease. best pH is 10, some enzyme get denatured at high temps as they are designed to work temps up to 40c


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Card 4


enzymes in the industry- protease to pre-digest baby foods, Isomerse to make slimming foods because, it is sweeter so you can use less of it and still get the same taste. so therefore the food will have less calories


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Card 5


Main causes of Extinction- new diseases, new competitors, major catastrophic events e.g. massive volcanic eruptions, new predators or hunters


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