Biology Paper 1 (disease)

Which disease does Nicotine increase the risk?
Heart diseases and strokes
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Which disease does Tar increase the risk and why?
Bronchitis and cancers throughout the body as the tar becomes stuck on the lungs and villi killing areas of it. It is a highly concentrated carcinogen as the smoke is inhaled.
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Which disease does Carbon monoxide increase the risk and why?
Cancers throughout the body as the tumours can break and enter the blood or lymphatic system
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What are some effects of tobacco on a fetus?
Risk of miscarriages and premature births, risk of respiratory illnesses and learning difficulties
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Name 3 short term effects of alcohol on the body
~Slow reactions ~Dizziness and blurred vision ~Feeling relaxed ~Alcohol poisoning(with large amounts)
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Name 3 long term effects of alcohol on the body
~Cirrhosis(liver damage) ~Loss of brain function ~Addiction ~Kidney failure
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Why does alcohol badly affect unborn babies?
~Their liver's are one of the last organs to form so can't process the alcohol
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What are the 3 main roles of white blood cells?
~Engulf microbes ~Produce antibodies which clump pathogens together, stopping them from spreading ~Produce antitoxins to neutralise the poisons produced by bacteria
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What is a the definition of a vaccination?
It contains a harmless version of a pathogen meaning the vaccinated person is in no danger of developing the disease. Some may suffer a mild reaction. If they later come in contact with the pathogen, the white blood cells can rapidly make antibodies.
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What are antibiotics?
Antibiotics are drugs that work inside the body to kill bacterial pathogens, they can't kill viruses and even some strains of bacteria are becoming resistant to them as they have evolved
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How do antibodies differ from antibiotics?
~Antibiotics(Bio), made from moulds ~Antibodies(Bod), made by white blood cells ~Both kill bacteria ~Bio burst cell walls ~Bod clump ~Can both treat specific diseases ~Bod can kill viral infections ~Bio are complex chemical compounds ~Bod are protein
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What things need to be tested before a new drug is released?
~Safeness ~Effectiveness ~Toxicity ~Efficiency ~Dosage needed ~Stability
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What type of disease is Measles, what are the symptoms and how do you prevent or cure it?
~Viral ~Red skin rash, fever ~Isolation, vaccination
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What type of disease is HIV/AIDS, what are the symptoms and how do you prevent or cure it?
~Viral ~Mild flu, HIV slowly attacks the immune system, eventually turning into AIDS ~No cure or vaccine, to prevent don't share needles and have HIV positive mothers bottle feed their babies
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What type of disease is Tobacco mosaic virus, what are the symptoms and how do you prevent or cure it?
~Viral ~Mosaic pattern on leaves, stunted growth, discolouration ~Good food hygiene, good pest control, genetically modified plants
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What type of disease is Salmonella, what are the symptoms and how do you prevent or cure it?
~Bacterial ~Fever, abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhoea ~Vaccine, keep raw chicken away from raw food, avoid washing raw chicken as it sprays bacteria, wash hands and surfaces well after handling chicken, cook chicken thoroughly.
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What type of disease is Gonorrhoea, what are the symptoms and how do you prevent or cure it?
~Bacterial ~Thick yellow/green discharge, pain urinating, pelvic pain, infertility, ectopic pregnancies, some get no symptoms ~Treated with antibiotics however some strains are becoming resistant, to prevent limit sexual partners and use condoms
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What type of disease is Rose Black Spot, what are the symptoms and how do you prevent or cure it?
~Fungal ~Purple or black spots on leaves, leaves turn yellow, doesn't flower well, weakens the plant as there is less surface area for photosynthesis ~Remove or burn affected areas, chemical fungicides
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What type of disease is Malaria, what are the symptoms and how do you prevent or cure it?
~Protist ~Fever, shaking, weakens the person ~Drugs can cure Malaria however they are not widely available in developing countries, to prevent target you can target the mosquitoes, as they are the vectors, by spraying them with insecticides
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How does bacteria make you ill?
~Rapidly divide by binary fission ~Produce toxins which make you feel ill ~Sometimes directly damage your cells ~They are the same size as your cells
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How does a virus make you ill?
~Take over body cells ~Live and reproduce inside the cells, damaging and destroying them ~They are tiny
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Who is Ignaz Semmelweis and what did he do?
He was a doctor who noticed Doctors weren't washing their hands properly between dealing with dead bodies and delivering babies causing lots of deaths ~He made Doctors wash their hands in chlorine water, massively decreasing the numbers of deaths
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What are some of the body's defence?
~Skin (microflora) ~Mucus ~Saliva ~Ear Wax ~Cilia ~Scabs ~Stomach Acid ~Eyelids ~Eyelashes ~Eyebrows ~Eyebrows ~Tears
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What do Phagocytes do?
Engulf pathogens
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How would a magnesium ion deficiency affect a plant?
~Plant cannot make enough chlorophyll ~Leaves become yellow ~Growth slows down as the plant cannot photosynthesise fully ~This is known as chlorosis
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How would a nitrate ion deficiency affect a plant?
~Protein growth will be limited as nitrate is needed to convert sugars made in photosynthesis into proteins needed for growth in protein synthesis ~Stunted growth ~Won't produce a crop properly
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How could you solve a mineral deficiency in plants?
Use fertilisers with the needed minerals in. This needs to be used fairly quickly
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Give a way you could reduce the rate of development of antibiotic resistant strains
~Avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics and for mild infections ~Complete the full course of antibiotics
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Explain therapeutic cloning
It is a new area of stem cell research that has lots of potential but is very difficult. Scientists take an adult stem cell to produce a cloned early embryo of the person. This would create perfectly matched, very versatile stem cells
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Is blood a tissue, organ or cell?
A tissue
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What do enzymes control in a reaction?
The metabolism ( the sum of all the reactions in a cell or in the body)
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What type of cell division takes place in bacterial cells?
Binary fission
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Which disease does Tar increase the risk and why?


Bronchitis and cancers throughout the body as the tar becomes stuck on the lungs and villi killing areas of it. It is a highly concentrated carcinogen as the smoke is inhaled.

Card 3


Which disease does Carbon monoxide increase the risk and why?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are some effects of tobacco on a fetus?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name 3 short term effects of alcohol on the body


Preview of the front of card 5
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