Biology - Homeostasis

What is homeostasis?
Regulation of internal (inside) conditions of cell/organism to maintain optimum conditions for function in response to internal/external changes [maintaining stable environment in body]
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Why is it important?
Internal conditions need to stay same regardless of outside conditions
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Why is it important to keep internal conditions same?
Enzymes work best at certain temp/Ph and they're needed for many functions - so it's best to keep conditions same so they work most efficiently
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Homeostasis maintain o__ conditions for __'s to function
optimum. enzymes
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What conditions are controlled by homeostasis? (things that should be kept constant)
glucose concentration in blood, water in body (so cell functions occur properly to prevent damage to body), body temp. (enzymes have optimum temp to carry out functions so must remain constant/the same)
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What does an automatic control system do?
Detects and respond to internal/external changes
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E.g this could be a nervous response from the ___ system or a ___ response from the hormone system
nervous system. chemical response
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Automatic control systems include three main things. 1. receptors, which are...
cells that detect changes in environment (stimuli)
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2. coordination centers, which do what...
receive and process information from receptors
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Coordination centers then send messages to the 3. ___
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Effectors are m___/g___ that bring about response to restore ___ conditions the body needs
muscles/glands. optimum
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At lower temperature's, enzymes...
work too slow
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at high temperature's, enzymes...
are damaged and stop working
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why is it important?


Internal conditions need to stay same regardless of outside conditions

Card 3


Why is it important to keep internal conditions same?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Homeostasis maintain o__ conditions for __'s to function


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What conditions are controlled by homeostasis? (things that should be kept constant)


Preview of the front of card 5
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