biology b7 fluffy tommy

  • Created by: Amy-C
  • Created on: 07-03-20 10:18
what are non communicable diseases?
Non cmmunicable diseases are things that cant be caught like asthma and cancer
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risk factors of non communicable diseases
risk factors can increase the risk of getting non- communicable diseases. eg uv light and radiation can increase the chance of getting non communicable diseases.
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how does a tumour form
a tumour forms when control of the cell cycle is lost and the cell grows in an uncontrolled way
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what is a benign tumour
benign tumours are growths of abnormal cells contained in one place ususally within a membrane. They can be dangerous if they are pushing on an organ
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what is a malignant tumour and why is it so much worse
malignant tumours can spread invading neighbouring healthy tissues. This is often referred to as cancer.
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what is a carcinogen
a carcinogen is an agen that increses the risk of cancer
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effects of smoking
Penumonia, heart disease, hip fracture, athsma, chronic diseases, strokes
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The three main effects of smoking
lung cancer, emphysemea, chronic bronchitis
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Lung cancer.......
caused by tar and bad chemicals
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chronic bronchitis
the cillia woft mucus and bacteria up from the bronchi. Smoking paralyses the cillia. can cause chest infections. irritates the lining.
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alveoli burst and fuse together and there is less air space and surface area decreases.
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effects of smoking on the circulatory system
heart attack, coronary heart disease (CHD), less oxygenated blood to the heart, narrow blood vessels
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is alcohol poisinous??
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what organ stops alcohol poisoning you
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what does FAS stand for
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
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Radiation causes mutations in the DNA so the more radiation you are exposed to the more likely mutations and cancers will develop
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Effects of bad diet
develops the risk of cardiovascular disease
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effects of exercise
exercise decreases the risk of type 2 diabetes
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Alcohol and other carcinogens can damage the ..........
liver and the brain
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examples of carcinogens are
nickel, radon and vinyl chloride
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


risk factors of non communicable diseases


risk factors can increase the risk of getting non- communicable diseases. eg uv light and radiation can increase the chance of getting non communicable diseases.

Card 3


how does a tumour form


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is a benign tumour


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is a malignant tumour and why is it so much worse


Preview of the front of card 5
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