Biology b3

What is a heterotroph?
An animal that consumes other organisms
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What is a autotroph (self-feeder)?
Plants that make their own food
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At each stage of the food chain a large proportion of energy is...
lost through heat or respiration, excreted as waste products or/and trapped in materials such as bone and fur.
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What does a food chain show?
Feeding relationships between organisms.
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Give three reasons why a species may become extinct.
Changes to the environment, increased competition and human activities e.g. deforestation, industry.
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What can be done to reduce the amount of packaging going to landfill? Give an example of biodegradable packaging being used aswell.
Household and community waste-recycling schemes can be set up and companies could adapt biodegradable materials into their products instead of oil-based products. An example is using cardboard instead of polysytrene as packaging in parcels.
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What is natural selection?
When individuals have desirable characteristics that increase their chances of survival in an environment.
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What is selective breeding?
When individuals with certain traits are mated to produce offspring with desirable characteristics, this is carried out by humans for their own purposes.
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What is meant by the term 'sustainability'?
Meeting people's needs without damaging the Earth's environment for future generations.
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Name the scientist who suggested the theory of natural selection.
Charles Darwin.
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What ways can data be obtained about environmental change? (finish answer page 28)
Using meters to measure levels of oxygen,carbon dioxide, nitrates and temperature etc. Aswell as using living organisms as indicators. For example mayfly larvae in rivers need high oxygen levels. Pollution reduces the amount of oxygen so if mayfly la
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How are a cactus leaves adapted to reduce water loss by evaporation?
The leaves are reduced to spines.
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How is a fish adapted to living in the sea?
A fish is adapted to live in the water by having gills to take oxygen from water rather than air, a streamlined shape and fins to move easily through water and a swim bladder (an air-filled sac) to help it maintain position in water.
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What does a food web show?
How all the living organisms are dependant on each other (interdependence).
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What happens to the energy in a plant or animal when they decompose?
The energy transfers to other organisms. Energy is also transferred when decay organisms feed off dead organisms and the waste products of animals.
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Energy in a food chain always flows in one direction: (finish answer)
Light energy flows from the Sun.The light energy is transferred to an autotroph (plants).A herbivore heterotroph (animals and decay organisms eats the autotroph. Some energy stored in the plant is transferred and stored in the herbivore's cells.A car
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What sources of evidence support the idea that all existing organisms share a common ancestor?
The fossil record and DNA evidence.
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What do nitrogen-fixing bacteria do?
Remove nitrogen from the air.
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What process in bacteria breaks down nitrates to nitrogen?
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a autotroph (self-feeder)?


Plants that make their own food

Card 3


At each stage of the food chain a large proportion of energy is...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does a food chain show?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give three reasons why a species may become extinct.


Preview of the front of card 5
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