Biology- B1

What is an adaptation?
An adaptation is a characteristic of an organism that makes it better suited to the environment in which it lives
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Name 4 adaptations that a Polar Bear has and why they have it
Small Ears- They help to reduce heat loss. Thick Fur and a layer of body fat- Insulate body from the harsh cold weather. White fur- Acts as camouflage. Large feet-Spread the body's weight in the snow
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What are extremophiles?
They are tolerant to high levels of salt, temperatures and pressures where no other animals would survive
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What are Aquifex?
They are bacteria that produce enzymes that can work at very high temperatures (93 degrees)
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Give two examples of extremophiles
Water Bear and Loricifera
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What does Polyextremophile mean?
A organism that can survive in multiple environments
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Give some characteristics of the water bear
They can survive space, Can survive temperatures around absolute 0 and above the boiling point of water, can live for 120 years without food or water, can withstand pressures six times greater than the oceans
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What does it mean if the surface area to volume ratio is low?
It reduces heat loss
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What does it mean if the surface area to volume ratio is high?
It increases heat loss
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Why are polar bears fairly large in size?
So they have low surface area to volume ratio so it limits heat loss
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Why are desert rats fairly small in size?
So they have a high surface area to volume ratio so that is increases heat loss
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What are the four things animals compete for?
Food, Water, Habitat (Land), Mates
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What affects numbers in a population?
Disease, Climate, Immigration, Emigration, Number and type of predators, Availability of shelter, water, food and an reproductive partner.
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What are the four things plants compete for?
Light-For photosynthesis, Space-To grow, Water-For photosynthesis + support tissues and nutrients (minerals) to make chemicals needed in cells
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State 3 ways plants spread their seeds
Wind, Mini Explosions and Deposited with waste materials
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Why are seeds as far away from parent plants as possible?
So they are not in competition with their parent plants
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How do plants cope with competition?
Leaves have a bigger SA to absorb light, Adapted to stop animals eating them, different types of roots, Small plants flower early in the year.
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Describe what trophic level 1 is.
The producer- Autotrophs produce energy by photosynthesis
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Describe what trophic level 2 is.
Primary consumers-Herbivores consume plant material
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Describe what trophic level 3 is.
Secondary consumers-Carnivores consume herbivores
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Describe what trophic level 4 is.
Tertiary- Large carnivores/omnivores consume smaller animals
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Describe the stages of the biomass pyramid
1,000,000 J of sunlight -Trophic level 1, 10,000 J - Trophic level 2, 1,000 J - Trophic level 3, 100 J- Trophic level 4, 10J
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What is biomass?
Biomass is the dry mass of living biological material in an animal or plant, it is measured in grams
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What is the original source of biomass?
Energy from the sun
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Where is energy from the sun to producer lost?
Most of the sunlight never reaches the Earth's surface, Some of the sunlight does not fall on the leaves, Some of the sunlight passes through the leaves
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Where is energy lost between animals?
Growth and repair, movement, not all of the prey/plant is eaten, to keep warm and some is lost in waste
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What non-living factors affect the distribution of organisms?
average temperature, average rainfall, light, pH and local climate
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What are some none living indicators?
Rain gauges , Oxygen meter, Dataloger
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What are some living indicators?
Lichens- If there is a lot of air pollution then there will not be a lot of Lichens, Invertebrates- Cleaner the water the more Invertebrates
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Name some preservation methods.
Freezing, cooking, Vacuum packing, Tinning, Smoking, Pickling and Drying
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What starts off the decay process?
Detritus feeders
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Briefly explain the decay process.
1. Detritus feeders (maggots worms) 2.Bacteria and fungi digest everything 3. The bacteria and fungi waste products are water, CO2 and nutrients that plants can use
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What conditions are favourable for decay
Warm conditions, moist conditions and plenty of oxygen
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What removes CO2 from the environment?
green plants
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What releases CO2 into the environment?
Respiration, Organic compounds in fossil fuels, Decay and decomposition, microbes respire
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Give an example of organic waste
Vegetable peeling
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What happens to kitchen and garden waste in landfill sites?
It forms a smelly liquid that soaks into the ground
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Why is methane gas produced in these conditions and what problem does it cause?
Microorganisms break down the liquid and cause global warming
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Where is the genetic material stored?
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What is a zygote
A fertilised egg cell
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Describe D.N.A
D.N.A molecules are large and complex, They carry the genetic code that determines the characteristics of living objects
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Describe a gene
It is a short section of D.N.A, Each gene codes for a specific protein by specifying what order the amino acids must be joined together
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How many genes are there?
Scientists believe that there are between 20 000 and 25 000
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What are gametes?
They are Egg and sperm cells
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Describe Chromosones
Chromosomes are made from long D.N.A molecules that have been compacted, Each human cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, gametes contain 23 chromosones
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What is the only cell in the human body without a nucleus
Red blood cell
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What genes determine your gender ?
** for a girl and xy for a boy
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State some facts about asexual reproduction
No joining of sex cells, no variety in off spring, 1 parent, offspring genetically incidental to parents, common in small animals + plants, occurs in human normal body cells
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State some facts about sexual reporduction
2 parents, joining of gametes, genetic variation, offspring have pairs of chromosomes one from each.
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Why is variety in offspring important?
For survival of species
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What are the plant sex cells?
pollen and ovules
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What are the animals sex cells?
sperm and ova
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State some features of sexual reproduction
Plants do it, Most animals do it, Needs two parents, Gametes made, fusion involved and variety in offspring
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State some features of asexual reproduction
Common in bacteria, plants do it, Only one parent, no cell fusion and offspring are clones
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What is embryo cloning?
Reproduction that involves one parent, there is no joining of gametes and offspring are genetically identical to the parent
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What is cutting?
It is taking a small piece of stem or leaf and growing it on the right conditions to produce a new plant
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What is tissue cloning?
Splitting cells apart from a developing embryo before they become specialised to produce several identical embryos.
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What is Asexual reproduction cloning?
When you get a few cells from a desirable plant to make a lot of identical cells which can produce identical plants
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Brief overview of Tissue culture/cloning
1.Piece of tissue removed 2.tissue broken down into cells, cell walls removed called protoplasts. 3.Cells are added to agar jelly. 4. Jelly allows them to grow and divide 5.When big enough clones are put in compost to grow normally
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Brief overview of cuttings
1.Stem cut off from parent plant 2.Dipped in rooting platter 3. placed in the soil
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Brief overview of embryo cloning
1.Embryo is formed from desirable parents. 2. Split up into many embryos and grows into many identical cells 3. Transfer embryo into host mothers, they have been given hormones. 4.Identical clones are born
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One advantage and disadvantage of Cuttings
Advantage- New plants are produced quickly, easily and cheaply. Disadvantage- Need desirable plant to start process and you can't make a lot
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Advantage and disadvantage of Cloning tissue
Advantage- Make lots from one tiny tissue. Disadvantage- Very expensive
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Advantage and disadvantage of embryo cloning.
Advantages- High quality embryos taken around the world to meet demand and are very high quality. Disadvantage- Gene pool is reduced reducing resistance to disease and cows are given lots of hormones
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Brief overview of Adult cell cloning
1. Nucleus is removed from cell from sheep A. 2.Empty mature egg is taken from sheep 3. Nucleus is part in mature ovum and given mild electric shock. 4. embryo is planted in sheep C
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Advantages and Disadvantages of adult cell cloning
advantages- Can be genetically engineered to produce helpful proteins, save animals from extinction and can bring back species. Disadvantage- Technique is unreliable and difficult, could lead to human cloning
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What is genetic engineering ?
It involves the changing the genetic material of an organism
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Give the brief steps of genetic engineering
1.Bacterium with plasmid 2. Insulin gene cut and plasmid cut out using restriction enzyme 3.Insulin gene inserted into plasmid 5. Plasmid is the vector that puts insulin genes in the bacterium 6. Plasmid multiplies rapidly 7. Insulin is harvested
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Benefits of genetic engineering
Gm food lasts longer, can increase the food value and reduce fat in meat, can be designed to grow in hash conditions, Can improve growth rates of plants and animals, can engineer life saving proteins in sheep milk
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Disadvantages of genetic engineering
Could lead to people altering genes of their future children, Genes might spread across species, Long term effects are unknown, Pubic concerns about health of GM crops and Gm crops are often infertile
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What is Lamarck's theory of evolution?
It was that species evolved because they inherited traits from their parents from the under/overuse of body parts
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What is Darwin's theory of evolution?
Darwin suggested that a animals' gene would randomly mutate giving variation in the species. This trait would allow that organism to out perform a fellow animal and would survive to pas their characteristics on to their offspring.
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What is natural selection?
It is the animal who is best adapted to their natural environment would survive and pas on their characteristics to their offspring. This is also known as survival of the fittest
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Describe natural selection in peppered moths
The two forms of peppered moths are dark and light- due to random mutation. 30 years ago most moths were light, but the industrial revolution meant dark moths became the commonest in city areas.
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Why did the dark peppered moths become the commonest?
The pollution meant that the tree bark colour went dark meaning the dark moths could camouflage better than the white moths and would not been eaten and could pass on their characteristics to their offspring.
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How do you organise living things? (evolution tree)
The organisation of living things is into groups depending on their similarities. Classification helps to understands how life began and how the different groups of living things are related
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What is a species?
Species are very similar in genes and development. Any differences are small variations of the same feature. A species is a group of organisms that can breed together and produce fertile offspring
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Did humans develop from chimps?
No they share the same common ancestor
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name 4 adaptations that a Polar Bear has and why they have it


Small Ears- They help to reduce heat loss. Thick Fur and a layer of body fat- Insulate body from the harsh cold weather. White fur- Acts as camouflage. Large feet-Spread the body's weight in the snow

Card 3


What are extremophiles?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are Aquifex?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give two examples of extremophiles


Preview of the front of card 5
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