Biology - B1

  • Created by: OliOwens
  • Created on: 22-10-16 17:23
How many pairs of chromosomes does a human typically have?
A human usually has 23 pairs of chromosomes
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What is genetic material and where can it be found?
Genetic material is what makes up the chromosomes and can be found in the nucleas of a cell
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What is a gene?
A short length of a chromosome
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What are different versions of a gene called?
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What are the two types of proteins?
Structural and Functional
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What type of protein is Collagen and where can it be found?
It is a structural protein that is found in skin
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What type of protein is Amylase and what does it do?
Its is a functional protein, it is a digestive enzyme
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What kind of variation affects eye colour?
Genetic Variation
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What kind of variation affects the scars you have?
Natural Variation
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What kind of variation affects your weight?
Both genetic and natural variation
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How many chromosome are in a sex cell?
There are 23 single chromosomes in a sex cell
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What happens to the chromosomes during fertilisation?
The 23 chromosomes from the sperm combine with the 23 chromosomes from the egg which results in 23 pairs of chromosomes
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What are the characteristics of an organsim called?
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What are the genes of an organism called?
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What does homozygous mean?
Both alleles are the same
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What does heterozygous mean?
Both alleles are different
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What pair of chromosomes determine the gender?
The 23rd pair
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What is a recessive allele?
You need both of the same allele for its charateristics to be present
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What is a dominant allele?
You only need one of the alleles for it charateristics to be present
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Is Cystic Fibrosis caused by a dominant or recessive allele?
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What are the symptoms of cystic fibrosis?
Thick mucus, difficulty breathing, chest infections, and difficulty digesting food
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What happens if someone only has one of the alleles which cause cystic fibrosis?
They are a carrier and do not show symptoms of the disorder
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Is Huntington's disorder caused by a dominant or recessive allele?
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What are the symptoms of huntington's?
Tremors, memory loss, clumsiness, and lack of concentration
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How long does it take before the symptoms begin to appear?
Approximately 40 years
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What is IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation)?
The egg is fertilised outside of the woman's body
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What is PGD (Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis?
When IVF is used, before the embryo is inserted into the woman, it is tested for genetic disorders.
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Why does PGD have some ethical issues?
It could lead to some parents selecting the features of the baby
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What is genetic testing?
Someone is tested to see if they carry specific alleles for a genetic disorder
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What is genetic screening?
A population is tested for a specific allele
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Why is genetic testing useful?
It can show how certain drugs will affect an individual and how their body will react to it
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What is a clone?
A genetically identical organism
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How are artificial animal clones made?
The nucleas is removed from a cell and replaced with a donor nucleas
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What is a stem cell?
A cell which can develop into many different types of cell
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What is an embyonic stem cell?
A stem cell that is found in early embryos and cna develop into any type of cell
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What is an adult stem cell?
A partially developed stem cell that can turn into some types of cell
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What can stem cell be used for?
Replace faulty cells, repair damged tissue, and treat certain diseases
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What is the ethical issue with using embryonic stem cells?
To retrieve embryionic stem cells, an embryo must be killed
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is genetic material and where can it be found?


Genetic material is what makes up the chromosomes and can be found in the nucleas of a cell

Card 3


What is a gene?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are different versions of a gene called?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the two types of proteins?


Preview of the front of card 5
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