plant and animal cells

what does the cell membrane do?
it separates the contents of the cell and its surroundings. It controls the movement of substances like oxygen, glucose and carbon dioxide into and out of the cell
1 of 10
what does the cytoplasm do?
Where many of the chemical reactions needed to carry out life processes take place. It also contains organelles
2 of 10
what does the nucleus do?
It is an organelle that contain s DNA, which is genetic material. The nucleus also controls all the activities of the cell
3 of 10
what does the mitochondria do?
It is an organelle in which respiration occurs. They are very tiny and cannot be seen easily through a light microscope at low magnification
4 of 10
what does the cell wall do?
It is made of tough cellulose to support the cell and allow it to keep its shape
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what does the vacuole do?
It is a space in the cytoplasm that is filled with cell sap and helps to support the plant by keeping the cells rigid
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what does the chloroplast do?
It is an organelle that contains chlorophyll, a green substance that absorbs light energy used in photosynthesis
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what does the ribosome do?
The organelles where protein synthesis takes place following instructions on mRNA
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what is the structure of an animal cell?
Cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria and ribosomes
9 of 10
what is the structure of a plant cell?
Nucleus, cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, vacuole, chloroplasts and ribosomes
10 of 10

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Card 2


what does the cytoplasm do?


Where many of the chemical reactions needed to carry out life processes take place. It also contains organelles

Card 3


what does the nucleus do?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what does the mitochondria do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what does the cell wall do?


Preview of the front of card 5
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