Biology 1a

What is a "Healthy diet"?
A diet containing the right balance of different foods and the right amount of energy.
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What is "Protein" needed for?
Protein is needed for growth, cell repair and cell replacement
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What are "Carbohydrates" needed for?
To release energy
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What are "Fats" needed for
Fats are needed to release energy and for keeping warm
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What are "Vitamins" and "Minerals" needed for?
Vitamins and Minerals are needed to keep your skin, bones, blood and everything else generally healthy
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What is "Fibre" needed for?
To keep everything in your body moving smoothly throughout your digestive system
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What does "Metabolic rate" mean?
the rate at which metabolism occurs in a living organism.
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What does "Metabolism" mean?
the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life.
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What are the factors that will affect people's metabolic rate?
Proportion of muscle to fat in the body, Inherited factors and The amount of exercise people do.
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What does "Malnourished" mean?
They have an unbalanced diet.
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What is a "Deficency diease"?
A deficiency diease is caused by the lack of vitamins and minerals in your body. For example a lack of Vitamin C can cause scurvy
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What are the most common causes for Obestity in developed countries?
Bad diet, Overeating and Lack of exercise
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Health problems that are linked to Obestity?
Heart diease, Cancers and Type 2 diabetes
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Two ways in which inherited factors can affect persons health?
A person's metabolic rate and Cholestrerol level
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What is a "Pathogen"
A microogranism that causes infectious diease.
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What is an "Antigen"?
A molecule that cause an immune response
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Some Pathogens can make you feel very ill
Some Pathogens can be spread between organisms very easily
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Blood clots are used to quickly seal the skin up if its damaged and keep microorganisms out
The air passages are lined with mucus and cila to trap and remove the bacteria before they reach the lungs.
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White blood cells protect the body from infection. Give three ways that they do this?
White blood cells can engulf and digest microbes, Produce antibodies to kill invading cells and also produces antitoxins to neutralise any toxins they produce
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What are "Hormones" ?
Hormones are chemical messengers which travel in the blood to activate target cells.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is "Protein" needed for?


Protein is needed for growth, cell repair and cell replacement

Card 3


What are "Carbohydrates" needed for?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are "Fats" needed for


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are "Vitamins" and "Minerals" needed for?


Preview of the front of card 5
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