Biology 1a

  • Created by: Annagc
  • Created on: 29-11-16 19:22
Name all the food groups
carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals ,water, fats, fibre
1 of 11
Five health problems associated with obesity
heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, gout, arthritis
2 of 11
in terms of energy how do you lose weight
take in less energy than you are using up
3 of 11
How does your immune system defend the body
ingest microorganisms, produce antibodies and toxins
4 of 11
How does a vaccine work
a small amont of dead pathogen is injected, it stimulates white blood cells to produce antibodies so if you ever come in contact with the disease it destroys the pathogens
5 of 11
describe the nervous system
stimulus, sensory neurone, motor neurone, effector
6 of 11
Define hormone
chemicals released by glands
7 of 11
Effects of FSH on the body
stimulates oestrogen to be produced and matures egg
8 of 11
Advantages of contraceptive pill
smaller family sizes and less STDs
9 of 11
Disadvatgaes of contraceptive pill
has side effects and it doesn't always work
10 of 11
How does auxin cause growth towards light
the auxin in one side is broken down by light causing it to be short and bend towards the light
11 of 11

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Card 2


Five health problems associated with obesity


heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, gout, arthritis

Card 3


in terms of energy how do you lose weight


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How does your immune system defend the body


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does a vaccine work


Preview of the front of card 5
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