
What is an enzyme?
a biological catalyst
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What is the lock and key model?
where the enzyme and the substrate have specific shapes that are complementary to each other. They are held together by hydrogen and ionic bonds. This forms a enzyme-substrate complex.
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what causes an enzyme to denature?
Temperature or pH levels
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what is the induced fit model?
where the active site changes to fit the substrate then distorts the substrate and enzyme. makes the substrate less stable and lowers the activation energy. When the enzyme has been broken down the AS returns to its original shape
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what is a e/s complex?
when the enzyme and substrate fit together
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what is activation energy?
energy required to activate the reaction
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what is a catalyst?
something that speeds up a reaction
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what is the difference between alpha and beta glucose?
the OH on the right hand side is on the top on a beta glucose
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what are monosaccharides made of?
glucose, hydrogen and oxygen
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what are common carbohydrates?
starch, glucose, cellulose and glycogen
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what is the general formula for monosaccharides?
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what are the 3 hexose sugars?
glucose, fructose and galactose
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what makes up a phospholipid?
2 fatty acids and a phosphate group
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whats the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats?
saturated fats have no double bonds in between any of the carbon atoms where as unsaturated fats do
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when do triglycerides form?
when 3 fatty acids join to each of the OH groups along a glycerol molecule, this happens in a condensation reaction and water is formed, this is an ester bond
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what is maltose hydrolysed by and what into?
maltase and into glucose and glucose
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what is sucrose hydrolysed by and what into?
sucrase and into glucose and fructose
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what is lactose hydrolysed by and what into?
lactase and into glucose and galactose
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what is the chemical test for reducing sugars?
the bendicts test
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what is hydrolysis?
breaking using water
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Card 2


What is the lock and key model?


where the enzyme and the substrate have specific shapes that are complementary to each other. They are held together by hydrogen and ionic bonds. This forms a enzyme-substrate complex.

Card 3


what causes an enzyme to denature?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the induced fit model?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is a e/s complex?


Preview of the front of card 5
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