

1. what is polydactyly?

  • a type of gamete
  • a condition where people have more than five fingers or toes on each hand or foot
  • a condition where excercise speeds up the heart beat to dangerous speeds
  • a type of cell
1 of 20

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2. what word means the reaction where nuclei are fused to form a heavier nucleus?

  • nuclear fire
  • nuclear fission
  • nuclear fusion
  • nuclear power

3. how are fossils formed?

  • the animal dies in a underground den
  • sand and mud layers and hardens around the hard bits of an animals
  • water causes the animal to decompose and the bones get washed on to the shore
  • dinosaurs made them for us to discover

4. what time of respiration requires oxygen?

  • epethilial resiration
  • aerobic respiration
  • anerobic respiration

5. what is an enzyme?

  • a skin cell
  • A biological catalyst
  • a stomach cell
  • a piece of chemistry apparatus


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