Biological Rhythms Studies

Circadian Rhythm
Morgan - transplanted SCN from hamsters, Michel Siffre - 2 months in a cave and developed a 25 hour cycle, Miles et al - blind man had 24.9 hour cycle despite exposure to clocks/radios
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Infradian Rhythm
Russell - donor odour placed on lip of receiver, 4/5 women synced to within a day of donor, McClintock - women who work with men have shorter cycles, Reinerg - 3 months in a cave developed a 25.7 day cycle
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Ultradian Rhythm
Division of Sleep Medicine - repeatedly missing sleep, alcohol, caffeine, beta blockers. Wehr - 14 hours of darkness, 3-5 hour sleep, 1-2 awake, 3-5 asleep. Ekrich - found historical records to support Wehr's findings
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Disrupting Biorhythms - Jet Lag
Klein - flying west to east causes worse jet lag, one day needed per time zone for recovery. Schwartz- west coast teams flying east had significantly fewer wins
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Disrupting Biorhythms - Shift Work
Blackemore - chemical plant, shift work rotating backwards, lab animals exposed to this had heart problems and shorter life span. Cziesler - rotated forwards, increased productivity and fewer errors. Hansen - link between shift work and breast cancer
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Stages of Sleep
Sharpio - after ultramarathon, hour and a half more sleep two following days and more stage 4. Empson - disrupted stage 4 creates back pain and muscle stiffness. Dement - REM deprived Ps more irritable, aggressive, less able to focus
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Lifespan Changes in Sleep
Breedlove - babies sleep more to process information. Wolfson and Carskadon - high school, A students got an hour more sleep, Monkstean High School - general absence less by 8%, persistent less by 27%, Senile Dementia - less stage 3 and 4
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Evolutionary Theories of sleep
Alison Cicchetti - 39 animal species, relationship between predation and amount of sleep. Hibernation - some animals hibernate to conserve energy. FFI - suggests sleep is vital
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Restoration Theories of Sleep
Sharpio - more sleep after marathon, more stage 4. Dement - REM deprived were more irritable, aggressive and less able to focus. Peter Tripp, Randy Gardener, FFI
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Sleep Walking
Hublin - 11,000 Ps, higher concordance for MZ twins, most who reported adult sleepwalking had also experienced it as a child. Zadra - deprives PS of sleep, 1st night 50% sleepwalk, 2nd night 90%, Lecendreux - higher instances among MZ twins than DZ
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Dement - mice without hypocretin had narcolepsy, Mignot - positional cloning in dogs identified a faulty gene. Mignot - 25-31%concordance in MZ only 1-2% in relatives
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Dement - Sleep state misconception, reported taking mean 90 mins to sleep, never took more than 30. Morin - Insomniacs percieve life as more stressful. Watson - 50% variance in risk is genetic
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Card 2


Infradian Rhythm


Russell - donor odour placed on lip of receiver, 4/5 women synced to within a day of donor, McClintock - women who work with men have shorter cycles, Reinerg - 3 months in a cave developed a 25.7 day cycle

Card 3


Ultradian Rhythm


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Card 4


Disrupting Biorhythms - Jet Lag


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Card 5


Disrupting Biorhythms - Shift Work


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