Biological psychology

What is aggression?
An expression which leads to anti-social behaviour
1 of 12
What is the amygdala?
The part of the brain that takes in information and decides on the emotional response
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What do people with a more active amygdala tend to be?
More aggressive
3 of 12
What is the hypothalamus?
This is responsible for controlling homeostasis and hormone levels
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What is the periaqueductal grey area in the midbrain?
It co-ordinates behavioural responses
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What role does the pre-frontal cortex play in agression?
It helps control emotion and self-control
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What is the limbic system?
It has a role in self-preservation. For example, it helps with our 'fight or flight' mode
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Why is this explanation reliable?
Because we can use brain scans to study it which are reliable and makes the approach more valid
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Which study is it supported by?
Raine. The murderers in the study had more active amygdala's which supports the theory and makes it more credible
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Why can't this approach be the only explanation?
Because it is reductionist. You can't put behaviour all down to biology, there are other factors to consider
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Why is there not many supporting evidence?
Because a lot of studies on the brain are done on animals which doesn't match with the human brains so the results of the studies can't be applied to humans
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Which study conflicts the theory?
Social learning theory because it suggests we learn our behaviour rather than it being biological
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the amygdala?


The part of the brain that takes in information and decides on the emotional response

Card 3


What do people with a more active amygdala tend to be?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the hypothalamus?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the periaqueductal grey area in the midbrain?


Preview of the front of card 5
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