Text book questions biological molecules introduction 1.1

  • Created by: Moocow001
  • Created on: 22-07-21 11:05
1a Name the element that contains 1 proton and 1 electron
1 of 6
1b If an atomic particle with no overall charge is added to this element, state which general term can be given to describe the new form of the element
2 of 6
1c Determine what percentage the element's mass number is altered by the addition of this new particle
100% (it is doubled as neutrons have the same mass as protons)
3 of 6
1d Determine how the atomic number s affected by the addition of this new particle
It is unchanged (the atomic number is the number of protons and this remains as one)
4 of 6
2a State what is formed if a negatively charged particle is removed from a hydrogen atom
Hydrogen ion
5 of 6
2b State how the mass number is hanged by the removal of this negatively charged particle
It is unchanged (mass number is the amount of protons and neutrons)
6 of 6

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Card 2


1b If an atomic particle with no overall charge is added to this element, state which general term can be given to describe the new form of the element



Card 3


1c Determine what percentage the element's mass number is altered by the addition of this new particle


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Card 4


1d Determine how the atomic number s affected by the addition of this new particle


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Card 5


2a State what is formed if a negatively charged particle is removed from a hydrogen atom


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