Biological Explanation- Genetic

What does the genetic explanation suggest?
offenders inherit a gene or genes that predispose them to commit crime.
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Who conducted a twin study in Denmark?
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How many twin pairs did he study?
over 3500 twin pairs
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What did he find from this study?
Concordance rates for offender behaviour
35% Identical Twins
13% Non-identical Twins
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What did Crowe find in research of adopted children.
Adopted children whose mother has a criminal record had 50% risk of also offending by the age of 18.
Compared to the control group of adopted children whos mother did not have a criminal record- 5% risk
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What and who did Tiihonen et al research?
The genes of 800 Finnish offenders
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What were the two genes that he found were associated with violent crimes?
MAOA and CDH13
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What is MAOA linked to?
regulates serotonin in the brain and linked to aggression
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What is CDH13 linked to?
substance abuse
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What were the finding of Tiihonen's study?
5-10% of all violent crimes in Finnland were linked to these genes
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What might the diathesis stress model suggest about offending behaviour?
combination of enviromental and genetic predisposition.
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Why might twin studies such as Christiansen's be flawed?
It is assumed by reserachers that twins have shared enviroment, however this may be more the case for MZ than DZ twins because MZ look identical. Therefore, people treat them more similarly which affects their behaviour.
higher concordance rates rates may
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Card 2


Who conducted a twin study in Denmark?



Card 3


How many twin pairs did he study?


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Card 4


What did he find from this study?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did Crowe find in research of adopted children.


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