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6. which of these is not a function of religion according to durkheim

  • collective conscience
  • social solidarity
  • help people cope with difficulties
  • conservative force

7. what is animism mean

  • an early form of religion that claims all plants, animals and humans have spirits or souls
  • belief in supernatural
  • early form of religion

8. what did marx mean by religion being opium of people

  • allow people to experience a spiritual high
  • religion helps people to deal with pain but distorts relaity
  • distracts people

9. durkheim's definition of collective conscience

  • mindset of people
  • set of values and morals shared by everyone in society
  • bringing people together

10. what is a belief system

  • a way of seeing the world which underlies the theories of science
  • any intergrated set of ideas which influence the way people see the world
  • something society creates

11. what is a marxist view on religion

  • religion enforces a false class consciousness
  • religion is destructive
  • religion inhibits social change

12. what did bellah mean by civil religion

  • a secular religion that unites people in multi-faith societies by instilling a spiritual patroitism
  • religion that is not spiritual
  • the government controlling beliefs