Belief in Allah

  • Created by: brionyk
  • Created on: 18-01-19 10:45
Who believe in the 6 beliefs?
Sunni Musims
1 of 8
Why is Tawhid important?
Tawhid is the belief in the oneness of God and its is important beacuse it is the central belief of Islam.
2 of 8
What beliefs do the sunni and Shi'a Muslims have in common?
Tawhid- the belief in the oneness of Allah. Nubuwwah-belief in the prophets. The day of judgement.
3 of 8
Name some of Allahs characteristics.
Transcendent, immanent, omnipotent, beneficent, merciful and just
4 of 8
Name two ways in which Muslims show respect towards the Qur'an.
Any two from: Not allowing it to touch the ground. Washing before they read it. Not handling it. Covering it. Placing it at the highest point in the room. Not speaking, eating or drinking when reading the words of Allah.
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Why is Izra'il an important angel and what does he do?
He is known as the angel of death. He blows the trumpet twice to signal the start of the day of Judgement. He is responsible of taking the soul of every person and returning it to Allah.
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What is Al-Qadr and why is it important?
It is the belief in predestination, the idea that Allah has control over everything and knows everything that wil come to pass before it happens. It is important becasue it's one of the six sunni beliefs and it affirms Allah's omnipotence.
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Should prophets be worshipped? Yes or no?
No, becasue they are human.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why is Tawhid important?


Tawhid is the belief in the oneness of God and its is important beacuse it is the central belief of Islam.

Card 3


What beliefs do the sunni and Shi'a Muslims have in common?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name some of Allahs characteristics.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name two ways in which Muslims show respect towards the Qur'an.


Preview of the front of card 5
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