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6. we cannot imagine anything greater than God

  • cosmological
  • ontological
  • teleological
  • moral

7. the universe must have come from somewhere

  • cosmological
  • ontological
  • teleological
  • moral

8. The world is so perfect, it must have been designed. The intelligent designer must be God.

  • Teleological
  • moral
  • ontological
  • cosmological

9. What word means "all loving"?

  • omnipotent
  • omniscient
  • omibenevolent
  • omnipresent

10. what word means portraying something with human traits to make it easier to understand?

  • monotheism
  • omniscient
  • antromorphism
  • trinity

11. What word means "all powerful"?

  • omnipotent
  • omniscient
  • omnipresent
  • omnibenevolent

12. our ideas/knowledge of good and bad must come from somwhere

  • ontological
  • cosmological
  • moral
  • teleological

13. finish the quote. "If there is a God, whence...

  • ...does evil show?"
  • ...proceed so many evils?"
  • transcend through time?"
  • ...can I be sure?"

14. What word means "remaining within"?

  • transcendent
  • Immanent
  • impersonal
  • omniscient

15. What is the Trinty

  • the place you go to get your soul cleansed
  • A ghost
  • God consists of 3 parts father, son,holy spirit
  • A ship from a t.v show