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6. which parties made up the weimar coalition?

  • centre and socialists
  • conservatives, socialists
  • Socialists, centre and democracic
  • conservatives and democratic

7. when was Prince Max made chancellor?

  • 11th november 1918
  • 3rd october 1918
  • 29th september 1918

8. how much did Germany have to pay in reparations?

  • 6600 million
  • 666 million
  • 800,000

9. when was the kiel mutiny?

  • november 1918
  • september 1918
  • march 1919
  • october 1918

10. What opposition from the left did the new govt receive?

  • strikes from trade unions
  • spartacist revolt
  • munich putsch
  • passive resistance

11. why did the Kapp putsch fail?

  • not enough men
  • general strike showed no support from the people
  • army suppressed uprising
  • crushed by the friekorps

12. what article was the guilt clause?

  • 123
  • 421
  • 231
  • 48

13. when was the treaty of Versailles signed?

  • 18th june 1919
  • 28th June 1919
  • 29th september 1918
  • 11th november 1918

14. when did the Kaiser resign?

  • 11th november 1918
  • 9th october 1918
  • 29th september 1918

15. which two political figures did Hitler force to help him?

  • himmler and kahr
  • kahr and lossow
  • hinderburg and himmler
  • papen and kahr

16. when was the sparacist revolt?

  • 14th february 1919
  • 23rd march 1919
  • 5th january 1919
  • 10th january 1919

17. when was the Kapp putsch?

  • 23rd march 1920
  • 1st february 1920
  • 1st march 1920
  • 20th march 1919

18. what was the final signal for Germany losing the war?

  • russian revolution
  • british blockade
  • kiel mutiny
  • economic crisis