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6. Buddhism Did not develop in a Vaccum is a quote to attribute to who?

  • Side
  • Fowler
  • Cush
  • Buddha

7. Which is the odd one out, that the buddha did not accept?

  • The general Indian idea that suffering leads to ignorance
  • Soma - a drug used in religious rituals
  • Ahmisa - a principle of non violence
  • A form of repeated lives
  • Karma - moral causation from a past life leading to your current one.

8. One last quote - all these are true, but only some pertain to this specific topic - which is it?

  • 'Posssesed an equally strong rejection of it.' (About the Buddha's contemporary culture and values) Side
  • 'the aim is to sit mindfully.' Cush
  • 'The Buddha was a man, a human being like ourselves.' Cush
  • 'Turning first this way and then that without making any real progress' Merv Fowler

9. Which civilisations influenced the Buddha?

  • Aryan and Tibetan
  • Therevada and Mahyana
  • Indus Valley and Vedic
  • Indus Valley and Oxford Rowing

10. There are two reasons found in the Buddha's teaching for why he rejected the atman; what are they?

  • It was petty and old fashioned
  • Anata, impermanence of self; and the 5 skandas.
  • the noble eightfold path and the parable of sunita